Secondhand Serenade

125 Lyrics found
A twist in my story (French translation)
A twist in my story (Dutch translation)
Animal (French translation)
Awake (French translation)
Awake (Dutch translation)
Broken (French translation)
Broken (Dutch translation)
Distance (French translation)
End (French translation)
Fall for you (Spanish translation)
Fall for you (French translation)
Fall for you (Italian translation)
Fall for you (Dutch translation)
Goodbye (French translation)
Goodbye (Dutch translation)
Half alive (French translation)
Half alive (Dutch translation)
I hate this song (French translation)
I hate this song (Dutch translation)
It's not over (French translation)
It's not over (Italian translation)
It's not over (Dutch translation)
Last time (French translation)
Last time (Dutch translation)
Let It Roll (French translation)
Let It Roll (Dutch translation)
Let Me In (French translation)
Like a knife (French translation)
Like a knife (Dutch translation)
Maybe (French translation)
Maybe (Dutch translation)
Never Too Late (French translation)
Nightmares (French translation)
Only Hope (French translation)
Our Time (French translation)
Pretend (French translation)
Pretend (Dutch translation)
Reach For The Sky (French translation)
So Long (French translation)
Something more (French translation)
Stay Away (French translation)
Stay close, don't go (Dutch translation)
Stranger (Spanish translation)
Stranger (French translation)
Stranger (Italian translation)
Stranger (Dutch translation)
Suppose (French translation)
Suppose (Dutch translation)
Take Me With You (French translation)
The last song ever (French translation)
The last song ever (Dutch translation)
Vulnerable (French translation)
Vulnerable (Dutch translation)
Why (French translation)
Why (Italian translation)
Why (Dutch translation)
World Turns (French translation)
You And I (French translation)
Your call (Spanish translation)
Your call (Dutch translation)