
Xandria is een Duitrse symphonic metal band, die in 1994 opgericht werd door Marco Heubaum.
De huidige bandleden zijn:
Marco Heubaum – zang, gitaar, keyboards (vanaf 1994)
Gerit Lamm – drums (vanaf 1997)
Philip Restemeier – gitaar (vanaf 2001)
Steven Wussow – bass (vanaf 2013)
Dianne van Giersbergen – zang (vanaf oktober 2013)
De band telt nogal wat oud-leden, waaronder de zangeressen: Lisa Middelhauve, Kerstin Bischof en Manuela Kraller.
Over de herkomst van de naam zegt Marco in een interview: "I think it was somewhere in the year 1995 or 1996, I can't really remember, when this word was just in mind from one second to the other. I liked it's enigmatic sound, also associated with the Egyptian city 'Alexandria', which gave it a mythological touch. The funny thing is, in the first place I thought I invented the word, but it was already existing, as a woman's name. But having this 'Alexandria' association in mind, I even tried to establish some kind of Egyptian gods image when we recorded our demo in 2000, with every one of us having ancient Egyptian god's names. I was Osiris, then we had Isis, Anubis and Seth and so on. Funny, isn't it? I am glad my bandmates convinced me to withdraw this…" (http://www.peek-a-boo-magazine.be/en/in ... s/xandria/).