Taio Pain

Taio Pain is een Britse zanger van Iranese komaf. Zijn echte naam is: Fardis Aghapour. Hij woont in Londen.
2 Reacties gevonden
Saturday 3rd of February 2024 00:49
Fardis Aghapour, Professionally known as Taio Pain, is a british, iranian singer and songwriter. He started his career from 2012 and published more songs about different matters . Taio Pain was Top chart on Billboard Music Magazine for 4 weeks as Bandsintown X Billboard Buzzing Livestream at February 2021. Also he arrested by iran intelligent service in November 2014 for his political songs. Finally he released after 29 month in march 2017. Recently he has published a new song about Tractor football club in 2020.
Monday 23rd of May 2022 21:46
You can search Taio Pain on Google and find his biography from various articles like IMDB & Fandom