Czerwony Tulipan
Czerwony Tulipan - Prosty jak zegarek ?wiat Engelse vertaling songtekst
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The Worls as Simple as a Clock
The world should be as simple as a clock Every tick would be followed by a tock The world should be as simple as a clock Every tick would be followed by a tock So that everything were as it is in a clock From the one to the two The three, the four and then the five Then one would not get confused In one’s thoughts and deeds and speech That everything were as in a clock Six and seven, after that eight One would not loose all these springs, then And would stay healthy for a longer time The world should be as simple ... So that everything were as it is in a clock From the nine to the ten The eleven and the twelve Then one would not wear any mask Instead of exposing one’s face to strong winds That everything were just as it is in a clock After one p.m. comes two Then one would not squander one’s heart so much And would have – less pangs of conscience The world should be as simple ... So that everything were as it is in a clock There is 3 and 4 p.m. Five p.m., six in the evening Then one would anticipate many things Instead of following a winding path That everything were as it is in a clock Seven and eight p.m. Then one would not stay at a spot When it was enough to take a single step The world should be as simple ... So that everything were as it is in a clock After nine p.m. – ten p.m. And just after that, eleven p.m. And if you try hard You will finish everything before midnight So that everything be as it is in a clock Because you have a new day ahead New from the very start You start your day with a clean dial The world should be as simple ... Translation by Ivonna Nowicka
Prosty jak zegarek ?wiat
Powinien by? prosty jak zegarek ?wiat Po ka?dym "tik" by?oby "tak" Powinien by? prosty jak zegarek ?wiat Po ka?dym "tik" by?oby "tak" ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Od jedynki do dwójeczki Póniej trójka, czwórka, pi?tka To by cz?owiek si? nie pl?ta? W my?lach, czynach, no i w mowie ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Sze?? i siedem, potem osiem To nie traci?by tych wiosen I zachowa? d?u?ej zdrowie Powinien by? prosty jak zegarek... ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Od dziewi?tki do dziesi?tki Jedenastki i dwunastki To by cz?owiek nosi? maski Zamiast niszczy? twarz na wichrze ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Po trzynastej jest czternasta To by sercem tak nie szasta? To by mia? sumienie czystsze Powinien by? prosty jak zegarek ... ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Jest pi?tnasta i szesnasta Siedemnasta, szósta wieczór To by wiele rzeczy przeczu? Zamiast kr?t? ?cie?k? chodzi? ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Dziewi?tnasta i dwudziesta To by cz?sto w miejscu nie sta? Kiedy krok wystarczy?o zrobi? Powinien by? prosty jak zegarek ... ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Po dwudziestej pierwszej - druga I dwudziesta trzecia zaraz A jak bardzo si? postarasz Przed dwunast? zd??ysz wszystko ?eby wszystko jak w zegarku Bo przed tob? nowa doba Od pocz?tku ca?kiem nowa Dzie? zaczynasz z tarcz? czyst? Powinien by? prosty jak zegarek ...