Members: Hank Von Helvete, Happy-Tom, Euroboy, Rune Rebellion, P?l Pot Pamparius, Chris Summers
Active: 1990-1998, 2002-present
Turbonegro (Turboneger in Norway) is a Norwegian band who combine heavy metal, rock and punk music into a non-politically-correct version of punk.
Their lyrics often attack political correctness; for example, the cover of the single "Bad Mongo" depicts Adolf Hitler as mentally retarded, and in the song "Hobbit Motherfuckers", they complain that there is "not enough suffering" and "not enough natural selection". Their genre of punk has been self-described as deathpunk. The band stated their music superseded existing genres, so they dubbed deathpunk as a way to avoid being pigeon-holed into musical groupings they felt they were above. Lyrics referencing the genre choice include ("gimme deathpunk baby, and I like it", from the song "Get it on"). Being a fun project with common predecessors (Sex Pistols wearing swastikas, etc), Turbonegro have been praised by some as playing the most up-to-date form of punk, and refusing to be categorized being nowhere as clearly expressed as in this anarchic blend of humour, shock and sexuality.
In the Turbonegro the Movie DVD extras, Happy Tom said that early on, festival goers expected TRBNGR to be gothic metal or black metal in the vein of other Norwegian bands. The band is notorious for their on-stage gimmicks. An early version of the band wore black-face and wigs on-stage in an effort to challenge those watching their shows. In Reserection the band states that early on they were often driven away from shows they were to play because they weren't edgy enough or didn't fit the look that the crowd wanted. As a result, the on-stage schticks started to become as much of the Turbonegro experience as the music. Following several tours in black-face, the band started an odd-ball theme of tight denim pants, nautically themed stage props and homosexual innuendo. A tongue-in-cheek joke, the homosexual/transvestite stage presence found its way into the band's music, including songs such as Prince of the Rodeo and Rendezvous with Anus which are both thinly veiled references to anal intercourse. Levis jeans endorsements soon followed from the stage antics, and the trucker cut jacket soon became standard fare amongst fans.
Widely acclaimed as the band's first break out album Ass Cobra had an album cover that was a direct parody of The Beach Boys Pet Sounds album cover. Turbonegro were beginning to show that they had a rare combination of talent, shameless audacity and a true bitterness in their song writing that would set them apart from other hard core acts. Jello Biafra would later comment that it was one of the best punk albums of the 90s. Following Ass Cobra was Turbonegro's most critically acclaimed release Apocalypse Dudes. Apocalypse Dudes' combination of 70's arena rock, irreverent lyrics, and punk stylings brought the band a level of notoriety that they had not achieved at any other point in their history. The album was considered by many to be one of the best albums of the 1990's. However not all was well in the Turbonegro camp.
In 1998 singer Hank Von Helvete underwent treatment for heroin dependency. The group disbanded, with Von Helvete returning to his childhood town in northern Norway where he worked at a radio station and fishing museum. During the next four years, the band members would rarely speak, however the momentum from their previous albums (most especially Ass Cobra and Apocalypse Dudes) would continue to grow as more and more music fans would get turned onto their music. Unbeknownst to the band, Turbonegro was becoming a cult phenomenon. In 2002 the members met to discuss possibly regrouping and touring. The initial practice sessions a success, Turbonegro rewoke from its slumber to reinvade Europe with its deathpunk sound. The response exceeded all expectations. Concerts were sold-out, fans were rabid, and Turbonegro was rejuvenated. An extensive tour of the United States followed in 2003.
Initially the band had two running ideas for band names; Nazipenis and Turbonegro. They were advised that a band named Nazipenis would never sell records, so they chose Turbonegro as an arguably more consumer-friendly choice. The band's name raises some eyebrows, and for that reason their first releases were sometimes branded TRBNGR, perhaps to preclude backlash against what some consider to be a racist name. However, the band's stated motivations are anti-racist, trying to change the attitude of racism and nationalism perceived as prevalent in parts of Scandinavia. Founding member Thomas Seltzer once said, "A turbonegro is a large, well-equipped, armed black male in a fast car, out for vengeance. We are his prophets."
1989 - Route Zero
1990 - Turboloid
1991 - Vaya Con Satan
1992 - Hot Cars and Spent Contraceptives
1993 - Helta Skelta
1993 - (He's A) Grunge Whore EP
1994 - Never is Forever
1994 - Denim Demon
1995 - Bad Mongo
1995 - Stinky Fingers
1995 - Flabby Sagging Flesh / Deathtime
1995 - I got Erection
1996 - Ass Cobra
1995 - Prince Of The Rodeo
1998 - Apocalypse Dudes
1999 - Darkness Forever! LIVE
2001 - Love It To Deathpunk (Australian Compilation)
2003 - Scandinavian Leather
2005 - Party Animals
2005 - Small Feces