Monique Steyn
Monique Steyn is 'n Afrikaanse sangeres en klavierspeler. Tydens die eerste Suid-Afrikaanse Idols-seisoen het sy onder die top-50 deelnemers geëindig. Haar debuutalbum, "Ek val vir jou*"* is in 2010 uitgereik. Haar debuutliedjie "Sê My Hoe*"* is ook op die CD "Die Grootste Afrikaanse Sokkie Vol. 7" asook op die DVD "30 Goue Sokkie Treffers*"* beskikbaar.
Monique was die mentor van Wilha Carstens en Demi Lee Moore in die realiteitsmusiekkompetisie Die Kontrak op VIA op DStv. Wilha het uitgeval, maar Demi-Lee het gewen en die kontrak van 'n miljoen rand wat op die uiteindelike wenner gewag het, losgeslaan.
Monique Steyn is an Afrikaans singer and pianist. During the first South African Idols season, she finished amongst the top 50 contestants. Her debut album "Ek val vir jou" was released during 2010. Her debut song "Sê my Hoe" is available on the albums "Die Grootste Afrikaanse Sokkie Vol. 7" and also on the DVD "30 Goue Sokkie Treffers".
Monique was a mentor to Wilha Carstens and Demi-Lee Moore in the reality music competition "Die Kontrak" on VIA and DSTV. Wilha did not reach the finals, but Demi-Lee pushed through and eventually claimed a contract worth One Million Rand that awaited the winner.
Monique is a humble and extremely talented vocalist/pianist with a voice of gold. Her music and personality form a perfect duo, making her a highly recommended artist and professional presenter for any occasion.
Monique is very popular and is loved by fans across the globe.