Harry Loco

Where ever Harry goes there is the vibe. Songs with heart and soul and great lyrics reminds you to the better days of the sixties.
Harrys great voice in combination with the brilliant sound of his Landola guitars (Finland) and screaming harmonicas sounds like Dylan in his best days.
Having his own regular shows in Europe and since 2009 in the United States of America.
Started playing on the streets in London in 2001, now he often performs for Amnesty International, Warchild and other organisations for
Love, Peace and Justice. made songs about the kid soldiers in Africa (Kids at war!)
The Iraq/Afghanistan war ; (Freedom and Bring the boys back home)
He has played at Peace Festivals and other actions against war ,racism and all kinds of injustice around the globe.
Harry was invited and has played with People like Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac) Sheena Spirit ( Santana, Bob Marly, Bob Dylan) .
P.F.Sloan , Slade , Eric Burdon and the Animals. KT Tunstall, and Essra Mohawk (Cyndi Lauper ,Frank Zappa and Jerry Garcia) Essras music and ideas inspired Joni Mitchells Woodstock (Essra was scheduled to play at the original Woodstock, but her manager missed a turn and they arrived too late)
In March 2003 Harry performed Love to All the People in front of more than 80,000 people on the Dam Square in Amsterdam (NL)
This song was broadcasted all over the world ! New projects inspired by MICHAEL BOWEN like 2012 the song.
And.........the times are a changin; the World needs HARRY LOCO !
38 Comments found
Thursday 15th of July 2021 22:17
Laatste nieuws Harry Loco oa over Woodstock 50 op www.harryloco.com
Friday 28th of December 2007 01:44
Zijn er nog nieuwe teksten van Harry Loco ?
Sunday 11th of November 2007 12:26
Song tegen de Lamlendigheid ! WE GOT TO DO SOMETHING download http://www.legaldownload.net/musiclover ... op/id/6880 de opbrengst is voor de Nah-Stichting www.nah-info.nl
Tuesday 7th of August 2007 16:33
Ik zit en beetje te wachten op Bring the boys back home...............http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ7SIcQq6aU
Thursday 31st of August 2006 00:38
Saturday 19th of August 2006 23:40
Best mensen, wij zijn momenteel de nieuwe song WORKIN ON THE ROAD aan het promoten. Die moet je echt eens horen .Fragmenten vrij ,voor de hele song betaal je een euro.
Click even op de link en luister het fragment.
http://www.legaldownload.net/dotNet/art ... st_id=1443
Vriendelijke groet ,Walter haarlocofanclub@tele2.nl
Thursday 22nd of June 2006 12:27
Hi Everybody !
Mijn songs zijn nu te downloaden ( €1) op LEGAL DOWN LOAD ! Link naar WORKIN ON THE ROAD (de song voor de wegwerkers !) http://www.legaldownload.net/dotNet/art ... st_id=1443
Overige Loco songs : www.legaldownload.net/dotNet/shop.php?a=708
Of via www.harryloco.nl (shop)
LOVE ,Harry
Sunday 19th of February 2006 21:29
Echt goede teksten Harry !Wanneer kom je met de Liverpool songs !xxx Sandy
EVEYBODY GO TO GRONINGEN OP 7 januari !STRANGE PEOPLE?een multi mondiale muziekshow On stage: Harry Loco guitar /vocals Jahit Saheli tabla Simon de Jong Bass guitar Extra ! special guests oa Bassplayer van de Rob Hoeke Rhytm and Bluesband Cees Schone !
Monday 5th of December 2005 14:28
Friday 19th of August 2005 19:08
Mooie muziek een super teksten !!!!!!!
Wednesday 27th of April 2005 22:58
Love to all the people is weer erg aktueel omdat president Bush naar Nederland komt.
Mooi nummer goeie tekst !
Thursday 3rd of March 2005 08:56
Hallo Gert bijna familie ! Haha
Thursday 3rd of March 2005 08:56
Hallo Harry en nu nog je eigen cafe !
Tuesday 11th of January 2005 17:46
Hey Harry Loco weder in den Tempelier das fun !
Good songs echt Loco !