Gurbe Douwstra
Gurbe Douwstra - Cliffs of Moher English translation lyrics
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Cliffs of Moher
It was a similar story, a story of a film He tough and loud, but she sweet and silent But as in love, one to the other And wherever they were, only for display purposes I take you, I take you, he said to her In the land of my dreams, I let you go And you will be enchanting, that you know If you are on the high Cliffs of Moher, in the fog In that country, as the song sounds from each house and tavern Singers and poets whose stories Since life is often calm, the sea is always rough While you are at home, even if you come from far Their future was made, they had many plans With him I live with her I get old And Saint Patricksdag has an old priest They married in the rain, there by the high Cliffs of Moher In that country, as the song sounds from each house and tavern Singers and poets whose stories Since life is often calm, the sea is always rough While you are at home, even if you come from far It was a cloud day, very early in the morning Then he said to his beloved, come give me your hand Because there is really nothing more beautiful, you believed me If you start me is at the foot of the cliff On that path, narrow and smooth, with the sea so close Was his foot does not hang in there, and a wave took him In that cold water was that he died For the purpose of his wife, since the high Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
't Wie in mearke gelyk, in ferhaal út in film Hy stoer en lûd, sy leaf en stil Mar wol o sa fereale, de ien op de oar En wêr't sy ek wienen, inkeld each foar elkoar 'k Nim dy mei, 'k nim dy mei, sa sei hy tsjin har Nei dat lân fan myn dreamen, ik lit dy gjin kar En ek dû wurdst betsjoene, foardatst it witst Astû stiest op de high Cliffs of Moher, yn 'e mist Yn dat lân, dêr't in liet klinkt út elk hûs en kroech Wêrfan't sjongers en dichters ferhelje Dêr't it libben faak kalm is, de see altyd rûch Dêrstû thús bist, al komst ek fan fier Harren takomst wie makke, sy hienen plannen by't soad Mei him wol ik libje, mei har wurd ik âld En op Saint Patricksdei hat in âlde pastoar Harren troud yn 'e rein, by de high Cliffs of Moher Yn dat lân, dêr't in liet klinkt út elk hûs en kroech Wêrfan't sjongers en dichters ferhelje Dêr't it libben faak kalm is, de see altyd rûch Dêrstû thús bist, al komst ek fan fier 't Wie in dizige dei, hiel ier yn 'e moarn Doe't hy sei tsjin syn leafste, kom jou my dyn hân Want der is wier neat moaiers, dû leaust my grif Astû aanst mei my giest oan de foet fan it klif Op dat paad, smel en glysterich, mei de see sa tichtby Fûn syn foet gjin hâldfest, en in weach naam him mei Yn dat iiskâlde wetter wie 't dat er stoar Foar it each fan syn faam, by de high Cliffs of Moher
Author: ?
Composer: ?
Publisher: ?
Language: German
Translations: English , Dutch
Appearing on: Mijn Eigen Paad (2005) , Myn Eigen Paad (2005)
Last updated by Anonymous at Monday 17th of August 2009 21:17
Translation submitted by Anonymous at Friday 29th of May 2009 15:10