Les Savy Fav

Les Savy Fav - Limo Scene Dutch translation lyrics

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About this lyric:

Les Savy Fav are back with a new single, "Limo Scene," and it's a wild ride! This is their first new music in 14 years, and it serves as the third single from their upcoming album, "OUI, LSF," due out May 10th.

Party in the Back, Baby Making in the Front:

"Limo Scene" isn't your typical party anthem. While it boasts a driving, energetic sound, bassist Syd Butler describes it as being about the "orgy of breeding ideas" that goes into creating new music. Think of it as a chaotic celebration of the creative process.

Genre-Bending Goodness:

The song is a delicious blend of the band's signature style. It captures the anxious energy of their "Modern Vampires of the City" era, balanced with the joyful instrumentation of "Father of the Bride." Imagine a grittier, more downtempo version of "Ya Hey" with a late-90s electronic vibe thrown in for good measure.

A Feast for the Senses:

Sonically, "Limo Scene" is a feast. A bright piano melody leads the way, joined by a sample from a British R&B song. Dramatic choral flourishes punctuate the soundscape, creating a sense of both grandeur and weirdness. The downtempo drumbeat provides a steady foundation for the rest of the instrumentation to build upon.

A Mysterious Journey:

While the lyrical references are cryptic ("breeding ideas"), the overall feeling is one of frenetic energy and exploration. It's an exciting glimpse into what Les Savy Fav have cooked up for their upcoming album.

Limo Scene

Laat buiten in Cypress Street
Ik probeer een grafsteen te vinden voor Rocky T
Je stopte in je limousine
Witte muren modderig, ramen vol stoom

Ik klim naar binnen
En dan lik je je lippen
Je zegt: ik ben een prooi
Maar goed, ik heb hiervoor gebeden

Je raakt mijn pols aan
En dan lik jij mijn lippen
Rits mijn ziel open, fluister ik,
“Ik heb hier zin in”
Stijf bevroren in het licht van de koplampen
Ik heb zoiets van: "Wat wil je van mij?"
Je roept: "Baby-kind, wat bedoel je?"
“Het is gewoon de sumpfin achterin die je zou moeten zien”

Oom Maai Papa Papa Oom Maai Maai
Ik zei: Oom Maai Baby Baby Oom Maai Maai
Ik zei: Oom Maai Papa Papa Oom Miauw Miauw
Die roept: “Kom mij halen!” Wie roept er nu?
Die roept: “Ja, ik ben er klaar voor!” Wie roept er nu?
Wie roept: “Houd het stabiel!” Wie roept er nu?
Die roept: “Iemand, pak mij!” Wie roept er nu?

Limo Scene

Out late on Cypress Street
Trying to find a gravestone for Rocky T
You pulled up in your limousine
White walls muddy, windows full of steam

I climb inside
And then you lick your lips
You say, I’m prey
But hey, I prayed for this

You touch my wrist
And then you, you lick my lips
Unzip my soul, I whisper,
“I’m into this”
Froze stiff in the headlight beams
I’m like, “What do you want from me?”
You call, “Baby-child, what do you mean?”
“It’s just sumpfin in the back that you should see”

Oom Mow Papa Papa Oom Mow Mow
I said, Oom Mow Baby Baby Oom Mow Mow
I said, Oom Mow Papa Papa Oom Meow Meow
Who shouts, “Come and get me!” Who shouts now?
Who shouts, “Yes I’m ready!” Who shouts now?
Who shouts, “Keep it steady!” Who shouts now?
Who shouts, “Someone get me!” Who shouts now?
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Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: Frenchkiss Records


Released in: 2024

Language: English

Translations: Dutch

Appearing on: OUI, LSF (2024)

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