Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is the only singer in the last decade who managed to be no.1 on Billboard Chart with the first two singles from her debut album. She’s on the highest wave, she launches hit after hit, she’s known all over the globe. But how much do we really know about her? Behind her singles and videos posted on YouTube, behind the shocking photos and rumors posted in various tabloids, who is Lady Gaga? How did she become so famous with an irreplaceable spot in the history of pop music?
lady gaga
Well, her real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta and she was the ugly freaky little duck of her Italian family. Nobody ever thought that she would become the beautiful but still freaky swan of pop music. She first revealed her talent for music at the age of 13 when she wrote her first piano ballad. This was her first step towards a music career, as she later went to New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts where she studied art and politics but she left her studies for focusing on her music career. She didn’t have the financial and moral support of her family who was very upset for her school abandonment, so she rented the cheapest apartment she could find and lived in poverty until somebody finally listened to her.
The first song she produced in collaboration with songwriter and producer with RedOne was “Boys Boys Boys.” Then she recorded a couple of songs with hip-hop singer Grandmaster Melle Mel for an audio book accompanying the children’s book The Portal in the Park by Cricket Casey, she started the Stefani Germanotta Band and started to take the wrong path. She took drugs for almost a year but then her karma changed completely and music producer Rob Fusari stepped into her life. He gave her a new name – Lady Gaga – and put her in contact with performance artist Lady Starlight, who helped create her onstage fashions for some gigs at downtown club venues. Then, three years ago, the pair performed at the American Lollapalooza music festival, where people positively noticed her.
Later, Gaga, as she would no longer be known as Stefani Germanotta, signed a music publishing deal with Sony/ATV as part of Interscope’s contract. As a result, she wrote songs for Britney Spears, New Kids on the Block, Fergie, and the Pussycat Dolls. It was then when she captured the attention of Akon, who recognized her vocal abilities, and signed her to his own label, Kon Live Distribution.
After that, we all know what happened. Her music career bloomed, her debut album, The Fame, reached number one in the UK, Canada, Austria, Germany and Ireland and later earned a total of six Grammy Award nominations, won the awards for Best Electronic/Dance Album and Best Dance Recording for “Poker Face“.
The Fame Monster EP, along with the global chart-topping lead single “Bad Romance“, The Fame Ball Tour and The Monster Ball Tour followed. Everything happened with such a speed that Gaga started to feel on her skin the disadvantages of being famous, of being on top. Caught in the whirlwind of her career, Gaga collapsed. And it happened on stage this year, in January, when she was forced to cancel a gig in Indiana after passing out in her dressing room before the concert started. Then it happened again during her first Monster Ball show in New Zealand, in March. She was very exhausted, was forced to continue singing sitting on stage, even lying flat out on the floor at one point and it was then she knew something was wrong. She didn’t want to disappoint her little monsters by canceling the tour and taking a break in her career, so she has found another solution.
lady gaga on stage
She contacted a fitness and nutrition expert and an acclaimed celebrity trainer - Harley Pasternak – who helped her in getting back on her feet with a new diet he developed, called The Five Factor World Diet. Harley Pasternak has a close eye on Gaga to stick with her five meals a day, five core ingredients (a low-fat, high quality protein; healthy carbohydrates; five to 10 grams of fibre; unsaturated fat; and a low-calorie, sugar-free beverage) , five-minute prep time, 25 minute workouts and 5 cheat days in 5 weeks. The singer also hopes that following the Lady Gaga diet will delay the appearance of lupus symptoms, which is a connective tissue disease transmitted to her genetically.
Nevertheless, until the disease will strike her down and we hope this will never happen, Lady Gaga will continue to be a huge hit, to revolutionize pop music, to travel all over the world and share her music and talent. She will continue to sell millions of albums and singles worldwide, to be involved in sex scandals and in the fight for human rights, and to be one of the most influential people in the world, as Forbes magazine called her.
10 Comments found
Saturday 2nd of April 2011 13:56
Heey Little Monster!
Willen jullie aub voor mij stemmen!
Het is mijn droom om naar Newark te mogen en Gaga te mogen ontmoeten! ... 2ae193/192
thanks !
Sunday 20th of June 2010 12:20
lady gaga copy assasins creed cloths!!!
whit her new number!!
Thursday 17th of June 2010 14:32
zijn er nog mensen die 2 lady gaga kaartjes willen kopen voor 29 november??
Het gaat om 2 zitplaatsen 2e ring
ik hoor het wel
Tuesday 8th of June 2010 23:38
Goed hoor !nu nog leren spellen....
Tuesday 25th of May 2010 11:29
Lady Gaga is, samen met mijn vriend, mijn alles! Bezoek mijn website: en join het forum om met andere fans te praten! :grin:
Tuesday 23rd of February 2010 12:23
ze is gewoon te cool.
ze is mooi slank en te cool.
ik ben een super grote fan van haar.
I love her...
vooral badromance
mensen zeggen dat ze een slet is en zo.
en dat ze leijk is zonder mace-up.
nouen ze is de beste voor mij.
en gaga als je dit leest;
laat die zukkels maar schreuwen de beste
ben jij!!!
groetjes chanou
Tuesday 8th of December 2009 09:33
In navolging van artiest Dr. Dre komt nu ook zangeres Lady Gaga met een eigen hoofdtelefoon die in samenwerking met Monster is ontworpen. Heartbeats by Lady Gaga is de naam van de driehoekige hoofdtelefoon die wordt gedragen als een sieraad. Lees verder: ... r_monster/
Monday 27th of July 2009 19:26
in de rtl boulevard uitzending vna 27-07-2009 is in een exclusief interview
met lady gaga duidelijk te zien dat ze knetterstoned of superhigh is want
normaal zag ze er in ieder geval niet uit oordeel vooral zelf maar wat
mij betreft kan ze de volgende keer bij een interview beter haar lijntje
laten wachten en haar joint later smoken want helemaal 100% zag ze er niet
uit en zo presteerde ze ook niet en dat is vreemd want zelf geeft ze aan
dat haar leven allemaal over 'PERFORMANCE' zou gaan
Jasper Gerrits namens GERRITSFM voor'''''
Wednesday 29th of April 2009 23:34
''lady gaga is vet! =)''