A Perfect Circle

A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
Published by: Virgin Records
Published in: 2003
Release type: Full CD
- The Package (drum tab)
- The Noose (drum tab)
- Stranger (Submit)
- The Outsider (bass tab)
About this Album:
[u]Band members[/u]
[b]Vocals[/b]: Maynard James Keenan
[b]Guitar[/b]: Billy Howerdel
[b]Guitar[/b]: James Iha
[b]Bass[/b]: Jeordie White
[b]Drums[/b]: Josh Freese
[b]Extra Musicians[/b]: Troy Van Leeuwen, Danny, Jarboe, The Section Quartet and Devo.
[u]Track Listing[/u]
1. The Package
2. Weak And Powerless
3. The Noose
4. Blue
5. Vanishing
6. A Stranger
7. The Outsider
8. Crimes
9. The Nurse Who Loved Me
10. Pet
11. Lullaby
12. Gravity
This is only A Perfect Circle's second album and already half the members are missing or swapped around; Troy's gone to Queens of The Stone Age, Paz to Zwan (though they have split up so you never know) and new member Jeordie White, otherwise known as Twiggy, Marilyn Manson's ex-bass player.
Anyway, let this not put you off, Thirteenth Step is one of the greatest albums of 2003, a dense mix of haunting lyrics, melodious guitars, a driving bass and drums that complement the music perfectly. The best songs on the album are The Package; a song that never really gets going until almost the end with a huge solo, Weak And Powerless; the easiest song to stomach on the album, with a great chorus and catchy verses, The Noose; the best song on the album, a creeping song that builds to a beautiful and powerful end, and the guitar melodies are just amazing, Blue; deep lyrics and a strong guitar riff and The Nurse Who Loved Me; a very scary song with no guitars or anything, just the Quartet and Maynard, singing about taking drugs.
This is an incredible album and should be owned by anybody with ears and a CD Player.
Also see [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00004T99Z/qid=1073070855//ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl15/002-6961694-4252816?v=glance&s=music&n=507846]Mer de Noms[/url], their debut album.