The Cure
The Cure - Grinding Halt gitaar chord
Je score:
# Grinding Halt chords Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1991 17:07 CST >From: Happy the Man D B D B D B D B D B D B No Light No People D B D B No Scream No People D B D B No Me No People D B D B No You No People G A Bm A Stop Short Grinding Halt G A D B Everything's coming to a Grinding Halt D B D B D B D B No Time D B D B No People It happened too fast D B D B No People And when she went away D B D B No People It's no... no D B G A Everything stops and everything's short Bm A G A Everything's coming to a Grinding Halt Everything stops and everything's short D B D B Everything's Everything's coming to a Grinding Halt coming to a Grinding Halt D B D B A Bm A Bm A Bm A G D B D B D B D B D B D B No Time There's no time D B D B No People No Time D B D B 'cause every- 'cause every- to a Grinding Halt to a Grinding Halt D B D BBBBBBBBBA Everything's Everything's coming to a Grinding Halt coming to a... ====== That's how I hear it. Let me know what you guys think. Anybody have the bassline? Dean.