Static-X - Fix bass tab
Je score:
Artist: Static-X Song: Fix Album: Wisconsin Death Trip Bassist: Tony Campos Tabbed by: LedZeplica h = hammer on This is a very simple song.. you need a 5-string. Here's the intro/verse.. G|---------------- D|---------------- A|---------------- E|---------------- B|-0h1-1---0h1-1-- Here's the chorus.. G|------------------------------------------------- D|------------------------------------------------- A|-------3-3-----3-3---3-3------------------------- E|------------------------------------------------- B|-1--------1------1------1---2-2-2h3-3-3-3h4-4-4-- Then play the verse riff again.. Then the chorus twice.. Then play change #1 (its a variation of the verse riff).. G|-------------- D|-------------- A|-------------- E|-------------- B|-1-1---0h1-1-- Then play the verse riff again.. Then the chorus twice again.. Then play change #2.. G|-----|------------| D|-----|*----------*| A|-1---|---1-1-1----| E|-----|*----------*| B|-----|------------| Then play the chorus twice.. Then the verse again.. Then change #1 for the outro.. And then its over. Later.