Pain Of Salvation

Pain Of Salvation - Remedy Lane
Uitgegeven door: Inside Out Music
Uitgegeven in: 2002
Album type: Full CD
- Of Two Beginnings (Toevoegen)
- Ending Theme (Toevoegen)
- Fandango (Toevoegen)
- A Trace Of Blood (Toevoegen)
- This Heart Of Mine (Toevoegen)
- Undertow (gitaar tab)
- Rope Ends (Toevoegen)
- Chain Sling (Toevoegen)
- Dryad Of The Woods (Toevoegen)
- Remedy Lane (Toevoegen)
- Waking Every God (Toevoegen)
- Second Love (Toevoegen)
- Beyond The Pale (Toevoegen)
1 Reacties gevonden
Saturday 15th of January 2005 09:48
14 Tracks
Progressive Rock from Sweden who finds explores a series of subject matter featured in the Concept Album format. Album subjects range from the painful experiences during adolescence (Remedy Lane)to the enviroment (One Hour By The Concrete Lake).
Total playing time: 73:50
Band Line-Up:
Daniel Gildenlow: Lead Vocals, Guitar
Fredrik Hermansson: Keyboards
Johan Hallgren: Guitar & Vocals
Johan Langell: Drums
Kristoffer Gildenlow: Bass & Vocals
There is one thing Led Zeppelin taught us: strong melodies, great arrangements and great song writing are just as important as cranking it up to 11. In particular, a band from Sweden known as Pain Of Salvation could be called the thinking man?s metal of sorts.
Pain Of Salvation is fronted by Daniel Gildenlow; part Jim Morrison (stage presence), part Roger Waters (lyrically and concept-wise) and part Chris Cornell (vocally, during the heavy passages).
Even when unfavorable reviews are given to Pain Of Salvation albums and shows, there is one fact that is never overlooked: Daniel Gildenlow is perhaps the best singer in the genre. Gildenlow?s voice ranges from beautiful and melodic to aggressive and metalesque.
Other than his singing, another Daniel Gildenlow signature are his lyrics. ?PoS? is also known for their concept albums, a format all their albums share, and ?Remedy Lane? is no exception. You won?t find any tired subject matters previously explored in other concept albums: ala Rushs 2112, Styxs Kilroy Was Here or even Queensryches Operation Mind Crime (all albums about big brother and the power of the state outlawing music).
Remedy Lanes songs are divided up into chapters, Remedy Lane, tells the story of a young boy who is sexually active at a very young age, the age of ten, an age that most cultures would raise an eyebrow or two. The character becomes a real nymphomaniac and seems to do allot of partying, and screwing, in Budapest. I?ve always been under the impression that Amsterdam was the place to patronize hookers on a never-ending basis, but what do I know, I live in Houston?
The album begins with ?Of Two Beginnings,? a good example of the bands ability to combine both a strong melody and a metal edge. The story begins here as the character experiences his first sexual experience. Gildenlows vocal style sets the innocent tone the song successfully achieves.
She is twelve I'm only ten
buried in this soft mountain of pillows
Parents away
She asks me have I been touched
Have I done the thing with anyone yet
Silence - a shy no
There are many stand-outs and great moments on this album. A Trace Of Blood, is a radio friendly song with a great hook. Once again, we find our character searching:
I never saw your face and now you're gone without a trace
Except the trace of blood that's deeply scarred into my eyes To fill your place
It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same
I was prepared to be your father How can I ever prepare for that again?
In a perfect world, ?Undertow? would have been a number one hit. Why radio hasnt picked this song up should be subject to a congressional investigation. Tremendous song writing, a melody that really sticks in your head, guitar lead and of course, fantastic vocals.
Chain Sling, is another incredible song with a middle eastern flavor that features almost all acoustic instruments. Another great example of the appealing nature of Gildenlows voice.
The album closes with ?Beyond The Pale.? Arguably the best song on the album and worth its purchase. If you pick up this album, read the lyrics as you listen to the song. You really feel this guys pain. Now an adult, he asks:
This is not who I wanted to be, this is not what I wanted to see
She's so young so why I don't feel free now that she's under me?
In the morning she's going away in a Budapest taxi I've paid
Seeking freedom I touched the untouched - it's too much - I'm BEYOND THE PALE...
Remedy Lane is considered by many of their fans, their best album (at least by many of the fans that I know). It?s an album that is filled with allot of pain, and may force many of us males to question the morality of our teenage years that we may have spent looking to get laid. Did all that partying really bring me happiness?
At the very least, Sweden has offered an apology for Europes The Final Countdown. The apology is in the form of an incredible band named Pain Of Salvation.