Misc Irish (Ierse muziek)
Misc Irish (Ierse muziek) - Whisky In The Jar gitaar chord
Je score:
G Em As I was going over, Gilgara Mountain, C G I spied colonel Farrel, and his money he was counting. Em At first I drew my pistol, and then I drew my rapier, C G saying: "Stand and deliver, for I am your bold deciver" D7 * Musha Ringum Durum Da G ** Whack Fol the Daddy 'o Em C Whack Fol the Daddy 'o G D7 G there's whiskey in the jar G Em He counted out his money, and it made a pretty penny, C I put it in my pocket, G to take home to darling Jenny, She sighed and swore she loved me, Em and never would decieve me, C but the Devil take the women, G for they always lie so easy Chorus And next morning early, Em before I rose for travel, C a-came a band of footmen, G and likewise Colonel Farrel, I goes to draw my pistol, Em for she had stolen away my rapier, C but a prisoner I was taken, G I couldn't shoot the water Chorus They put into jail, Em with a judge all a writtin'. C Robbin' Colonel Farrel, G on Gilgara Mountain. But they didn't take me fists, Em *** and I knocked the jailer down, C and bid a farewell G to this tight fisted town Chorus There's some takes delight, Em in the carriages and rollin'. C Some takes delight G in the Hurley or the Bollin' But I takes delight, Em in the juice of the barley, C Courtin' pretty maids G in the mornin', oh so early. Chorus (Play the last two lines fast) *= After the "Musha Ringum Durum Da" make three knocks on your guitar with your fist **= After"Whack Fol the Daddy 'O" do This: Press and play Big E string in fret 3, then let go, press and play the Big E in fret 2, let go and play the Big E string once while it's loose - it makes a cool effect that goes like this: Dew, Duw, Doow. Do this at every chorus! *** While playing "And I knocked the jailer down", do a hammer (hit the strings hard) on "knocked". Written by David Pontoppidan. Effects by Claus Funder.