Misc Irish (Ierse muziek)
Misc Irish (Ierse muziek) - The Irish Washerwoman gitaar tab
Je score:
# From: eermih@dct.ac.uk Subject: TAB: traditional Irish jig Thanks to those who responded to my posting of a traditional Scots tune. Here's a traditional Irish jig (6/8 time) with suggested chords. Play part 1 twice then part 2 twice. The note marked with * should be played only when going into part 2; otherwise (when repeating part 1) play the two notes in the Intro bar. Try it: you'll see what I mean. Part 2 is mostly played with a half-barre at fret 7. "The Irish Washerwoman" PART 1: Intro bar E|------------------| B|------------3--1--| G|------------------| D|------------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| . . . . . . G G G G Am Am Am C ------------------|------------------|------------------|---------0--------| 0-----------------|0-----0--3--1--0--|1-----------------|1--0--1-----3--1--| ---0--0-----0--0--|---0--------------|---2--2-----2--2--|------------------| ---------0--------|------------------|---------2--------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G G G G C D G G * ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| 0-----------------|0-----0--3--1--0--|1--0--1-----3--1--|0--------------8--| ---0--0-----0--0--|---0--------------|---------2--------|---0--0--0--------| ---------0--------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART 2: G G G G D D Em D ------------------|---------7--------|------------------|------------------| 8-----8--8-----8--|8-----8-----10-8--|7-----7--7-----7--|7-----7--10-8--7--| ---7--------7-----|---7--------------|---7--------7-----|---7--------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Em D C G C D G ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ---8--8-----8--8--|---8--8-----8--8--|------------------|------------------| 9--------7--------|------------------|------------7-----|---0--0--0--------| ------------------|10-------9--------|10-9--10-7-----10-|9-----------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| ------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________________________________________________________________________ Malcolm Hannah (eermih@dct.ac.uk) Dundee, Scotland