Misc Irish (Ierse muziek)
Misc Irish (Ierse muziek) - Irish Eyes Are Smiling gitaar tab
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Received: from animal-farm.nevada.edu by redrock.nevada.edu (5.65c/M1.4) with SMTP id ; Thu, 24 Jun 1993 10:45:20 -0700 Received: from sulu.orl.mmc.com by animal-farm.nevada.edu id ; Thu, 24 Jun 1993 10:45:16 -0700 Message-Id: Received: by sulu.orl.mmc.com ( id AA01134; Thu, 24 Jun 93 13:44:28 -0400 From: Wes Jester Subject: /IRISH/Irish_Eyes_Are_Smiling.crd To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 13:44:27 EDT Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85] When Irish Eyes Are Smiling CAPO none C There's a tear in your eye And I'm wondering why G7 C For it never should be there at all G7 With such power in your smile C A7 Sure a stone you'd bequile D7 G7 So there's never a teardrop should fall C When your sweet lilting laughter's like some fairy song G7 C C7 F And your eyes twinkle bright as can be D7 G You should laugh all the while and all other times smile D7 G And now smile a smile for me CHO: C F C When Irish eyes are smiling Sure'n it's like a morn in spring F C A7 D7 G In the lilt of Irish laughter You can hear the angels sing C C7 F C When Irish hearts are happy All the world is bright and gay F C- C A7 D7 G7 C And when Irish eyes are smiling Sure they steal your heart away