Misc Irish (Ierse muziek)
Misc Irish (Ierse muziek) - Down By The Glenside gitaar tab
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Received: from animal-farm.nevada.edu by redrock.nevada.edu (5.65c/M1.4) with SMTP id ; Thu, 24 Jun 1993 10:43:16 -0700 Received: from sulu.orl.mmc.com by animal-farm.nevada.edu id ; Thu, 24 Jun 1993 10:43:14 -0700 Message-Id: Received: by sulu.orl.mmc.com ( id AA01124; Thu, 24 Jun 93 13:42:21 -0400 From: Wes Jester Subject: /IRISH/Down_By_The_Glenside.crd To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 13:42:20 EDT Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85] Down by the Glenside CAPO 1/2 Em Bm Em Bm T'was down by the Genside, I met an old woman Em Bm Em Bm A plucking young nettles She n'er saw me coming Em C A7 D7 I listened awhile to the song she was humming Em Bm B7 C D7 Em Glory-o, Glory-o to our bold Feninan Men When I was a young lad, their marching and drilling Awoke in the glenside sounds awesome and thrilling They loved dear old Ireland and to die they were willing Glory-o, Glory-o to our bold Fenian men Tis fifty long years since I saw the moon beaming On brave manly forms, on eyes with hope gleaming I see them again sure thru all my sad dreaming Glory-o, Glory-o to our bold fenian men Some died by the glenside, some died mid the stranger And wise men have told us, our cause was a failure But they loved poor old Ireland and never feared danger Glory-o, Glory-o to our bold Fenian men I passed on my way, God be praised that I met her, Be my life long or short, I will never forget her We may have had good men, But we'll never have better Glory-o, Glory-o, to our bold Fenian men