Menswear - Daydreamer gitaar chord
Je score:
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 19:40:31 +0000 From: Amran Javed Subject: m/menswear/daydreamer.crd "Daydreamer" by Menswe@r >From "Nuisance" (1995) Transcribed by If you can be bothered, you should down-tune one full step, although with all the distortion it doesn't matter too much if you don't. BASS Intro: g:------------------- d:------------------- a:------------------- e:--1-1-x-0-1-1-3-5-- VERSE: CHORUS: E:---------------- ------------- b:---------------- ------------- g:-2-2----2-2----- -2---2---2-x- d:-3-3----3-3-5-7- -3-3-3-3-3-x- a:-3-3--2-3-3-5-7- -3-3-3-3-3-x- e:-1-1--0-1-1-3-5- -1-1-1-1-1-x- SOLO: E:--1-0--0-1p0h1p0h1p0h1p0---- b:--1------------------------- g:---------------------------- Don't drink and swim.