Green Day
Green Day - Green Day gitaar tab
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Green Day, by Green Day This song appeared on 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours. It's really easy to play, if you're a beginner and want to play Green Day songs, I suggest you start with this one. Don't forget to put small breaks between the 4 first chords during the INTRO. If anybody knows the solo, post it. TITLE: Green Day BAND: Green day TABBED BY: Luis Gomez de Aranda Corrections? Hatemail? Send it all to INTRO: B E D B G# E B G# E B G# E B A VERSE 1: E D A small cloud has fallen C# B The white mist hits the ground F# A E My lungs comfort me with joy E D Vegging on one detail C# B The rest just crowds around F# A E My eyes itch of burning red CHORUS: G# E B Picture sounds G# E B A Of moving insects so surreal G# E B Lay around G# E B A Looks like I found something new VERSE 2: E D Laying in my bed C# B I think I'm in left field F# A E I picture someone, I think it's you E D You're standing so damn close C# B My body begins to swell F# A E Why does 1+1 make 2? (CHORUS) (VERSE 2) SOLO: Improvise ! (VERSE 2) (CHORUS) OUTRO: E D C# B A -:-:- CHORDS IN THIS SONG -:-:- A : 0 2 2 B : X 2 4 4 C# : X 4 6 6 D : X X 0 2 3 E : 0 2 2 1 0 0