Green Day
Green Day - Church On Sunday Ver 8 gitaar tab
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green day church on sunday verse: a d e today is the first day of the rest of our lives a d e tomorrow is to late to pretend everythings alright a d e i'm not getting any younger as long as you don't get any older a d e i'm not going to pretend yester day never was f# a e bloodshot dead beat lack of sleep making your mascarra bleed f# a e tears on your face leaving traces of my mistakes when i say a d e if i promise to go to church on sunday a d e will you go with me on friday night a if you live with me d e a e i'll die for you and this compramise i here-by solumly swear to tell the whole truth and the truth is all that i'll ever hear from you trust is a dirty word that comes from such a liar