Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly - Swagger
Je score:
Uitgegeven door: Side One Dummy
Uitgegeven in: 2000
Album type: Full CD
- Selfish Man (drum tab)
- Worst Day Since Yesterday (Toevoegen)
- Life in a Tenement Square (Toevoegen)
- Ol' Beggars Bush (Toevoegen)
- Likes Of You Again (gitaar chord)
- These Exiled Years (Toevoegen)
- Sentimental Johnny (Toevoegen)
1 Reacties gevonden
Wednesday 15th of March 2006 02:32
This is the best cd for Flogging Molly. Very original and catchy. All of the songs here are good. Basicly if your Scottish, or like punk, this album is for you. IF YOU LISTENING BANDS LIKE FALL OUT BOY OR MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE STAY AWAY!!! Key songs are Devils Dance Floor, Black Friday Rule, Selfish Man, Salty Dog, and Life in Tenement Square. This is the best album to listen to, to introduce you to Flogging Molly...