Flight of the Conchords
Flight of the Conchords - Hilarious Misunderstanding songtekst
Je score:
In this song Jermaine plays a person named Bryan and Bret is playing Jenny Jenny: Hello Bryan: Hi Jenny: hello, man sitting in the park Bryan: I've just said hi Woman in the park Jenny: How ya doin Bryan: Mmmmm good thanks Jenny: Your looking good Bryan: Pardon Jenny: I said your looking good Bryan: Fair enough Jenny: Jenny Bryan: Pardon Jenny: Jenny Bryan: No I'm sorry I think you've mistaken me for somebody else Jenny: No its me im Jenny My name is Jenny Bryan: Oh ya oh, oh, I... Hahahahahahahaha Oh I thought oh What a hilarious misunderstanding Nice to meet you Jenny Jenny: Oh we've meet before Quite a few times actually Bryan: Oh yes of course we have I meant it was nice to meet you the time that I meet you Where was it that we meet that time that i meet you when i meet you Jenny: At a party Bryan: Thats right Wasnt it one of those boring work partys Jenny: No Bryan: Thats why I said wasnt it It was the party of a mutual friend was it, wasnt it, was it, wasnt it Jenny: Yes it was Bryan: Ya i thought so Ohh Bobbys Jenny: No Bryan: Dougs Jenny: No Bryan: D-Doggs Jenny: No Bryan: Maxwell Jenny: No Bryan: Andys Jenny: Yes, Andys Bryan: Ya Andys party. Thats right Ohhh Andy knows how to throw a party dosent he Jenny Jenny: Ya I love Andys partys Bryan: I love Andys partys What crazy partys Bryan: How is that guy anyway Jennys: She's good Bryan: Oh thats right Andy hates it when I forget that Jenny: We watched a movie Bryan: (confused) Yaaa It was something like but not nessicarily Schindlers list We watched it and we weapt Jenny: It was Police academy four We went for a walk Bryan: On our feet if I remember correctly Jenny: We went to the top of the hill and we ate sandwiches Bryan: Ya we'd just grab a sandwich and put it in out mouths Oh thats the only way to have sandwiches Oh Jenny tell me do you still walk Do you still get into sandwiches in a big way Jenny: I still walk alot But im not eating as many sandwiches as back then Bryan: Ooohhh Jenny: Do you remember what we did there at the top of the hill Bryan: Kind-of Jenny: We were standing at the look out Bryan: Oh I remeber excatly what we did at the look out We just looked OUT Across the city from a little spot on the hill top Oh its so pretty from way up there We talked about how the lights from the buildings and cars Seemed like reflections of the stars That shone out so pretty and bright, that night Jenny: It was day time Bryan: The day time of the night Jenny: Do you remember what you said to me Bryan: Not word for word actually Jenny But I remember there were some verbs Jenny: Well you said meet me here In one year You just needed some time to clear your head And you seem to have done that Bryan: Lalalalalalalalalalalalala Jenny: We have a child Bryan (nervous) Pardon Jenny: We have a child Bryan: Why didnt you tell me Jenny Why didnt you tell me that day we went to the top hill and we made sweet Oh we made such sweet sweet sandwiches Does it have my eyes my way with words Does it look like me at all Jenny: No not at all cause we adopted him I cant believe you dont remeber It was a very difficult Process Bryan: Ahhh oh aahhh ummmm ohhhh A-are you sure that was me Jenny Jenny: Yes Im pretty sure it was you John Bryan: Im Bryan Jenny: Oh my god Im so sorry Oh thats terrible Bryan: Oh dont worry Jenny: Oh how embarassing Bryan: Oh dont worry Jenny actually Im kind of relieheheved That kind of thing just happens all the time I just got one of those faces i suppose Jenny: So does John Hes got one of those faces as well Both: Hahahahaha Ohhhhh Hahahaha