Dum Dums
Dum Dums - Everything bass tab
Je score:
Song: Everything Artist: The Dum Dums Tabbed by Rum, fleasbass@fuckyou.co.uk I would just like to say, that this is the best debut single for a band that I have ever heard. Intro/Chorus: This is basically the chords to guitar part g|-------------------------------| d|-------------------------------| a|-2-2-----0-0-----2-------------| e|-----------------------2-2-0-0-| verse: a lot faster, but cleanly playable. g---------------------| d---------------------| a-2-2-0-0-2-2---------| e-------------2-2-3-3-| piss easy song, and great to jump around and sing to....enough of my mental problems! If you want to talk about stuff like RHCP, Offspring, Blink 182, Green Day. then email me, there won't be any corrections cause I am the master....of disaster maybe. Bye Rum 'my mum's not dead, she's still alive and bitchin, and I haven't got herpee's, my dicks just itchin' mailto:fleasbass@fuckyou.co.uk http://shagpadmail.homestead.com