Biography for Czerwone Gitary
Czerwone Gitary
(Czerwone Gitary means in English "red guitars")
One of the most popular Polish rock bands of the late '60, active until the present day (2013). It is considered the Polish equivalent of the Beatles, many of their hits have become classics in Poland.
Czerwone Gitary was formed in 1965 by Jerzy Kossela, Krzysztof Klenczon and Henryk Zomerski. The latter left the same year and was substituted by Seweryn Krajewski.
The band saw its greatest success in 1965-1970. It disappeared from the Polish scene in the 1980s (time of the martial law in Poland), but kept giving concerts in the US, Soviet Union and former East Germany.
They had their great comeback more or less on their 25th anniversary, in 1991. In 1997 the most distinct musician of the band, Seweryn Krajewski, left.
The group has toured extensively outside Poland: in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, USA, Germany and Soviet Union.
Abroad they were popular in former East Germany and in the Soviet Union.
Members in 2007:
Jerzy Skrzypczyk
Jerzy Kossela
Henryk Zomerski
Mieczys?aw W?do?owski
Marek Kisieli?ski
Arkadiusz Wi?niewski
Members throughout the band's history:
Bernard Dornowski – vocals, guitar, bass guitar (1965-1999)
Wojciech Hoffmann – guitar (1997-2000)
Ryszard Kaczmarek – bass guitar (1972-1977)
Marek Kisieli?ski – guitar, keyboard, vocals (2004- )
Krzysztof Klenczon – vocals, guitar (1965-1970)
Jerzy Kossela – guitar, vocals (1965-1967, 1991-1993, 1999- )
Dominik Konrad – flute, guitar, vocals (1970)
Seweryn Krajewski – vocals, guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, violin (1965-1997)
Arkadiusz Malinowski – bass guitar, vocals (1999-2003)
Dariusz Olszewski – guitar, vocals (2000-2004)
Jan Pospieszalski – bass guitar (1977-1979)
Jerzy Skrzypczyk – percussion, vocals (1965- )
Mieczys?aw W?do?owski – vocals, accoustc guitar (1997- )
Arkadiusz Wi?niewski – vocals, bass guitar (2003- )
Henryk Zomerski – keyboards, bass guitar, vocals (1965, 1999-2011)
1966 – To w?a?nie my (That's Us)
1967 – Czerwone Gitary (Red Guitars) (2)
1968 – Czerwone Gitary (Red Guitars) (3)
1970 – Na fujarce (Playing the pipe)
1971 – Spokój serca (Peace of Heart)
1971 – Consuela (recorded and published in East Germany)
1974 – Rytm ziemi (The Rhythm of the Earth)
1976 – Dzie? jeden w roku (One Day in a Year)
1977 – Port piratów (Pirates' Port)
1978 – Rote Gitarren (Red Guitars; recorded and published in East Gemany)
1999 – ...jeszcze gra muzyka (...Music is Still Playing)
2005 – O.K. (Gold)
2009 – Herz verschenkt (An Heart Given Away; recorded and published in Germany)