Album review: 2 Fabiola Blizzard Of Ozz
I Don't Know
Crazy Train
Goodbye to Romance
Suicide Solution
Mr. Crowley
No Bone Movies
Revalation (Mother Earth)
Steal Away (the Night)
Original album was produced by: Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads, Lee Kerslake, and Bob Daisley.
This was a great start for Ozzy; alongside with Randy Rhoads, this album was a huge success. Rhoads' guitar playing from this album inspired me to play guitar. With his incredible solo from Crazy Train, Rhoads made Osbourne that much better.
I Dont Know - great song, excellent guitar playing, exceptional solo.
Crazy Train - best song on album, best solo and intro riff, my favorite song.
Goodbye to Romance - good song, another good solo,my friend's favorite song.
Dee - good instrumental by Rhoads alone with 12 string acoustic.
Suicide Solution - great, heavy song.
Mr. Crowley - another awesome, heavy song, Rhoads' solos are awesome, must hear song!
No Bone Movies - not a great song, but at least it has a good guitar solo.
Revalation - long song, but the last 3 minutes is a guitar solo.
Steal Away - good song, not a slurpy-slurpy love song, great guitar solo as with all songs on album.
Rest IN Peace Randy! You were the best!!!