Song review: Johan Cruyff - Oei, Oei, Oei (Dat Was Me Weer Een Loei)
Het liedje is min of meer een vertaling van de Engelse song 'Oh, oh, oh, yet another blow'.
Over de opname van dit liedje is een aardig verhaal. Ik vond het op de volgende website: ... ro-visions.
'When recording this single, Cruyff’s singing voice turned out to be even more out of tune than the studio personnel had expected. They didn't know what to do. A friend who accompanied Cruyff to the studio suggested they give him a drink. Cruyff, who never drinks, accepted. After a while, when the atmosphere was more 'relaxed', they put Cruyff in front of the microphone again and his tipsy singing proved good enough to use.
However, a couple of days later he was invited to sing his song live on national television. Unfortunately he was sober again and only shyly mumbled the words he could remember, while staring at the ground. Cruyff has a reputation for being a know-all. No matter what subject (the weather, politics, cooking), he has a strong opinion about it. This must have been the only time in his life that he was lost for words.'