
Slayer - Christ Illusion
Uitgegeven door: American Recordings
Uitgegeven in: 2006
Album type: Full CD
- Flesh Storm (Toevoegen)
- Catalyst (Toevoegen)
- Skeleton Christ (Toevoegen)
- Jihad (Toevoegen)
- Consfearacy (Toevoegen)
- Catatonic (Toevoegen)
- Black Serenade (Toevoegen)
- Cult (Toevoegen)
- Supremist (Toevoegen)
1 Reacties gevonden
Friday 18th of August 2006 11:06
The kings of Thrash Metal return to destroy you.
After five years away from the recording studio, Slayer return with the highly anticipated follow up to 2001's 'God Hates Us All'. Christ Illusion AND Dave Lombardo. Not only will this be yet another controversial explosion amongst the public, but for those die hard Slayer fans this is yet another ferociously must have album.
If fast riffs, satanic lyrics, fast and hard hitting drum beats is what gets you going, this album is for you, and for the Slayer fans it is everything they could expect and more with the surprisingly rare occasions of melodic slow riffs which Kerry King and Jeff Hannemen impulse you with.
The first lyrics on the album perfectly describe the way you should feel upon first hearing this album 'Take a deep breath 'Cause it all starts now' And from then on it's pure insanity as, as Tom Araya's evil groan weavs through the music and carnage.
Songs that certainly catch your ear would be: 'Flesh Storm', 'Skeleton Christ', 'Jihad', 'Black Serenade' and 'Supremesist'
If you have listened to a Slayer song before then you know whats in store, dark, disturbing and a lot of fury, this album is no exception and some songs take a basic approach to that route, songs such as 'Black Serenade' for example.
Music wise Slayer have changed their style in slight ways in certain songs, with some slow melodic riffs like in 'Jihad'.This has been seen before but rarely, The solo's have also improved vastly and you get a sense that Kerry King has worked hard to improve certain bits of his guitar playing. And with Dave Lombardo once again behind the drums, you feel that Slayer is now complete again as he adds his own style to the band that no one else can add.
The final impression this album gives me is that it's just another fine addition to the already powerful Slayer collection and although it may not compare to albums such as 'Reign In Blood' or 'Seasons In The Abyss' It's still another good album from the ever controversial Slayer. 9/10