
Nazgul - Legio Draconorum Orkian songtekst

Je score:

Dum, exercitus Uruk devastat agres meridiane 

Baazgor progressus exercitus nigrae pergit 

Etiam in aeri, cum legione Orkianis, domini draconum. 

Trux orcus equitat fulvum alatum. 

Horridum squamis osseis emicantem flammas 

Ex faucibus ardentibus praeentem multitudinibus 

Draconis tegentibus spectaculum solis alis membranaceis. 

Insputant ignem in vicis subiacentis ubi inantier 

Gentae elficae incessunt scorpionibus, defendentes 

A morte alata devastanteque urente omnia. 

Invantier evocant in cavernis tum 

Perfossis ab hobbit Kaltag ut vultures, dracones 

Iniciunt in cuniculis subterraneis elicantes 

Unguibus incolas pavidas laniatas monstruosis 



While Uruk's army was ravaging the middle lands, 

Baazgor's black armies raise up in the sky with 

Orkian, dragons master... a filthy ogre rides 

A monstrous black winged horse. 

Covered with bony plates, he vomited violent flames 

From the hot jaws 

An preceded a multitude of dragons with with 

Membranous wings. 

They spit fire on the below villages where the elfic 

People try to find an escape uselessly, 

They defend themselves from the winged death which 

Burns anything she meets. 

In vain they look for a shelter in the caves dug by 

Kaltag's Hobbit since, 

Like vultures, the dragons creep into the 

Underground tunnels 

Taking out the terrified habitants torn by the 

Monstrous dragons.
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Componist: ?

Publisher: ?


Taal: Latijn

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