Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin - Box Set
Je score:
Uitgegeven door: Atlantic
Uitgegeven in: 1990
Album type: Compilatie
- Whole Lotta Love (piano tab)
- Heartbreaker (bass tab)
- Communication Breakdown (gitaar tab)
- What Is And What Should Never Be (bass tab)
- Thank You (bass tab)
- I Can't Quit You Baby (gitaar chord)
- Dazed And Confused (piano tab)
- Your Time Is Gonna Come (bass tab)
- Ramble On (drum tab)
- Friends (bass tab)
- Celebration Day (bass tab)
- Hey Hey What Can I Do (misc tab)
- White Summer Black Mountain Side (gitaar tab)
- Black Dog (bass tab)
- Over The Hills And Far Away (bass tab)
- Immigrant Song (gitaar chord)
- The Battle Of Evermore (misc tab)
- Bron Y Aur Stomp (gitaar tab)
- Tangerine (bass tab)
- Going To California (gitaar chord)
- Since I've Been Loving You. (gitaar chord)
- D'yer Mak'er (piano tab)
- Gallows Pole (misc tab)
- Misty Mountain Hop (piano tab)
- Rock And Roll (bass tab)
- The Rain Song (bass tab)
- Stairway to Heaven (Toevoegen)
- Kashmir (piano tab)
- No Quarter (bass tab)
- When The Levee Breaks (misc tab)
- Achilles Last Stand (bass tab)
- The Song Remains The Same (drum tab)
- In The Evening (gitaar tab)
- Candy Store Rock (bass tab)
- The Ocean (gitaar chord)
- Houses Of The Holy (bass tab)
- Wearing And Tearing (bass tab)
- Nobodys Fault But Mine (bass tab)
- Moby Dick / Bonzo's Montreux (Toevoegen)
- All My Love (piano tab)