AC/DC - Highway To Hell
Uitgegeven door: Atlantic Records
Uitgegeven in: 1979
Album type: LP
1 Reacties gevonden
Thursday 22nd of December 2005 19:57
Highway To Hell was Released 1979 while lead singer Ronald "Bon" Scott still was alive... this was Bons last album before his death in 1980.
This might be a reason why many people like the album Highway To Hell...
The fans who prefers Bon Scott over Brian Johnson often say that AC/DC best album is Highway To Hell... But is this because it was Bons last album?
No I don't think so...
The reson why so many people like The Album Highway To Hell is because it has so many great songs... Like the pure 70th rock n' roll songs Get It Hot, If You Want Blood..., Shot Down In Flames and one of the best ( if not the best!!) Hard rock song ever... Highway To Hell...
When the first chord is hit you can't help but getting shakes... you just wanna rock... and when the drumms enter you start to nod your head to the beat... and when Bons vocals enter you are just rockin'... and when the chourus start ( Im on a Highway to hell) you just starts to sing along... it is a great rock n' roll song... and the way it is made... first you hear Angus riff then a paus with just drumms and Bon Singin' and the next chords... it is the perfect song... (well in my opinon)...
But Highway To Hell also has a couple of other great songs like Beating Around With A couple of cool riffs... and Girls Got A Rhythm...and Walk all over You... and Love Hungry Man wicht isn't your typical AC/DC Song but still it works, it's a decent song... But Highway To Hell like many other album also has a song wicht ain't to good... Night Prowler... it's a slow song... but it dosen't completly sucks but it ain't a great song... it sound a lot like Ride On ( It's On the album Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap) but with a faster pace...
Overall Bon Scotts last album was his best... and what would the rock n' roll history be with out Bon Scott and AC/DC...
(R.I.P = Rock In Peace)
R.I.P Ronald "Bon" Scott