AC/DC - Back in Black
Uitgegeven door: Albert/Atlantic Records
Uitgegeven in: 1980
Album type: Full CD
10 Reacties gevonden
Monday 10th of March 2008 15:00
there really isnt any bad songs, its a masterpeice and a classic
Sunday 2nd of December 2007 13:22
Back in Black is one of AC/DC's best albums. It comes with a song book containing moments of AC/DC on tour and on the road. There are also a bunch of pictures too boot! The CD sounds great for such an old album (first released in 1980). The songs on this masterpiece include "Hell's Bells", "Shoot to Thrill", "What do You do for Money Honey", "Givin' the Dog a Bone", "Let Me put My Love into You", "Back in Black", "You Shook Me All Night Long", " Have a Drink on Me", "Shake a Leg", & "Rock'n Roll ain't Noise Pollution".
Thursday 20th of July 2006 23:15
BACK IN BLACK was my first ac/dc album. It has a lot of good songs. The next album is highway to hell/then how made how. All of these are good, but back in black is the best.
Thursday 20th of July 2006 08:47
This is AC/DC's comeback album!
It's Rock's History's best comeback album for History
Here are the songs:
hellz bellz- good songs good guitar good lyrics
back in black- best song on album, awesome solo + lyrics
Thursday 22nd of June 2006 09:24
Out of all of acdc's albums I'd have to say that this one is the best ever. All the tracks play perfectly without any mistakes or skips. All the guitar riffs in this album are adicting so you could listen to the same song over and over without getting tired of it. I'd recomend this album to anybody that likes blues or other styles of rock.
Monday 24th of April 2006 16:22
If you don't already have this cd do not call yourself a rocker....amazing cd, like no other BUY IT NOW!!!!!
Wednesday 5th of April 2006 10:42
In year 1979 AC/DC where heading for worldwide sucsess when disaster struck, leadsinger Bon Scott, was found dead in London of alcohol poisoning. The remaining members where naturally in shock, but desided to carry on. They recruted Geordie-singer Brian Johnson and started working on a new album.
The result is one of the best albums of all time, selling 19 million in the U.S.A alone. That's how good it is. Leadgitarist Angus Young deliver expectadly one amazing riff after one other and the new singer Brian Johnson gives an amazing demonstrations of his talents, showing the same bluesy voice and the same conviction as Bon but singing more powerfully. The only thing you cuold complain about the album is...nothing! Every single song is good. The most known are of course the title song "Back In Black", the strong tribute to Bon wich begins with funeral bells "Hells Bells"
The speedy "Shoot To Thrill" and the loveable "Yuo Shook Me All Night Long". But not even the lesser recognized ones "Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution", "Given The Dogs A Bones",
Shake A Leg, "Have A Drink On Me" and "Let Me Put My Love Into You" don't disappoint.
This is the image of how a rockalbum should be.
Thursday 23rd of February 2006 13:10
In my opinion "Back in Black" is one of the best AC/DC albums ever. If you haven't heard much by AC/DC, I strongly recommend "Back and Black", but also "Highway to Hell", which is my favourite.
Wednesday 1st of June 2005 16:18
1.Hells Bells-5:12
2.Shoot To Thrill-5:17
3.What Do You Do For Money Honey-3:35
4.Givin The Dog A Bone-3:31
5.Let Me Put My Love Into You-4:15
6.Back In Black-4:15
7.You Shook Me All Night Long-3:30
8.Have A Drink On Me-3:58
9.Shake A Leg-4:05
10.Rock And Roll Aint Noise Pollution-4:26
Style Of Music: Rock
Album Length: 42:08
Band Members:
Angus Young
Brian Johnson
Phil Rudd
Cliff Williams
Malcolm Young
In my opinion this is without a doubt the greatest AC/DC albulm ever! Theres not much else to say about i loved every song on it and for all the guitar players if you havent already tke the time to Back In Black its easy and it impresses people
Tuesday 31st of August 2004 15:01
This is a great hard rock album by AC/DC.AC/DC consists of Angus and Malcom Young (lead/rythm guitars) Brian Johnson (vocals) Cliff Williams (bass) and their original drummer phil rudd.there are 10 tracks including the most popular songs by AC/DC (chart wise) back in black and you shook me all night long.
This album is a masterpiece in my opinion there's not one bad song on it. It's a must have for AC/DC fans and fans of rock music alike.