The Cult

The Cult - Peace Dog guitar chord

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From: VETTERS@VAX1.ELON.EDU (Steve Vetter  )

The Cult
@SONG: Peace Dog
Tab by Scottie Bruner & Steve Vetter

A5    577xxx
D5    x577xx
E5    x799xx
C5    x355xx

*All chords are power chords A5, D5, etc.  but are indicated A, D, etc*
I got lazy and didn't feel like typing in all the chords, so when you see the
indication  at the end of the line  "E  C"  that's the place where it plays
E5 & C5 chords.  This is the basic rhythm:  A / D / A / D (hold)
Then when there's an E C at the end of the line it plays:
A / D / A / D h E C.  Each of the slashes or letters represent a beat.  The
"h" means hold it the duration of a beat.

Intro: A D A D

Peace is a dirty word
D                A                 D
She used to be a painted bird yeah
War she's a whore
D                          A            D  E  C
Don't You know we love her more and more

[2nd electric plays muted chords]
Peace is a dirty word
She used to be a painted bird yeah
War she's a whore
                                    E  C
You know we love her more and more

(Chorus)  [just muted chords, I think]
B52 baby way up in the sky
Come drop your lovin' on me child
B52 baby way up in the sky
Drop your love on me tonight


Poor man sad man you should be a glad man
Stand up for your rights peace talkin' about peace
Good dog bad dog roll over and play dead
                                  E  C
Do it again baby peace dog yeah

B52 baby way up in the sky
Come drop your lovin' on me child
B52 baby way up in the sky
Drop your love on me

Oh war she's a loser,
Peace dog user

  I  Steve Vetter                    I   "I'm not the same                  I
  \           I        As I was long ago,            /
  I  Elon College                    I    I've learned some new things      I
  /  Love School of Business         I        And I hope that it shows..."  \
  I  Alpha Kappa Psi                 I          -Neil Young  (Homefires)    I
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Author: Ian Astbury

Composer: Billy Duffy

Publisher: Beggars Banquet Records Ltd.


Released in: 1993

Language: English

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