Stutterfly - Frail Ver 3 guitar tab
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This is the correct way to play Frail Tuning = Drop D -Intro Riff------------ |e- | |B--9-8----9-8--6-6h8-6 | |G-0-0----0-0---------- | |D- | |A- | |E- | ----------------------- play this 4x or so -Main Riff---- |e- | |B- | |G- | |D-65-5-31-1-10| |A-65-5-31-1-10| |E-65-5-31-1-10| -------------- play 4x then pause (only pause the first time you play it) -Verse Riff--- |e- | |B- | |G- | |D-65-5-5-5-568| |A-65-5-5-5-568| |E-65-5-5-5-568| -------------- play 4x then do an open chord palm mute 8x really fast -Bridge Riff 1--- |e- | |B- | |G- | |D----------------| |A----------------| |E-666555333111000| ----------------- play once then both guitars come in with -Bridge Riff 2--- |e- | |B- | |G- | |D-666555333111000| |A-666555333111000| |E-666555333111000| ----------------- There, now you have all the riffs you need to put the song together. Have Fun FFFFFF LL OOO OOO RRRRRR FF LL OO OO OO OO RR RR FFFF LL OO OO OO OO RR RR FF LL OO OO OO OO RRRRRR FF LL OO OO OO OO RR RR FF LL OO OO OO OO RR RR FF LLLLLL OOO OOO RR RR 11 333333 111 33 11 33 11 33 11 33 11 33 1111 3333 come see Floor 13 in Stanwood, WA!