
Rammstein - Rosenrot
Published by: Universal Music Group
Published in: 2005
Release type: Full CD
About this Album:
Rammstein's songs are really difficult to send into pool of Hard Rock cause they have so many different types of songs. Some are a bit of pop, other rock, a bit of punk, metal...
And so does Rammstein's new album. It has many different types of songs. It is named Rosenrot, as one of their songs. That album is not same as previous albums, cause it makes a mixure between "good" lyrics and "nice" music. Everything is more calm than in previous albums... But it still has the effect that you know you're listening to Rammstein. There are many songs that you have to listen, for example: Benzin (it is a bit mixure of Reise, Reise with others), Mann gegen mann (it really rocks...), Zerst?ren (hard lyrics and good music, good mixure of hard rock and calm elements). There is one really calm, but with point on us fans, song named Ein Lied. There are still very good love songs: Wo bist du?, Stribt nicht vor mir, te quirro puta! (that song and Feuer und Wasser is for me the most sUxfull song on album, but it's still average song). There are three other really pleasing songs: Rosenrot, Spring! and Hilf mir. In song Hilf Mir is the best final part where Till is screaming HIIILLLLFFFF MMIIIIIIRRRRR... I really like Rosenrot, Spring, Mann gegen mann and Benzin, Wo bist du? and maybe Zerst?ren, meanwhile others are average songs that go to heart but not so much as songs on previous albums. Album is must buy for fans of Rammstein, but others won't be so impressed with it... It's actually good, but in other way average Rock album. Lyrics are more deep then in previous albums, but music is not so much crashfull and it's more balladic.
9.4 Album Art Blurb
The art in this album is absolutely SUPERB! I've never loved an album cover/art more, it really is fantastic. The booklet is quite artsy too.
8.1 Music Blurb
The music is great, I only don't like listening to one or two songs, otherwise I love everything on the album, it's great! It's more balladic as previous albums. More pop and rock, less punk and metal
9.0 Lyrics Blurb
Lyrics are really good. They are more calm and lovely. They are really deep, ballad(ic).
9.7 Technical Info Blurb
Technically they are one of the best hard rock group.Their playing is without any mistakes, voice of Till is really awesome... Cool!
8.5 Lasting Appeal Blurb
They are more forgetting as songs on previous albums, but they are still great, so I could listen to some songs all day long. I like them really.
BENZIN [ALBUM VERSION] [Explicit]3:46 ++++3/4
MANN GEGEN MANN [Explicit]3:51 +++++
ROSENROT [Explicit]3:55 ++++1/3
SPRING [Explicit]5:25 ++++1/3
WO BIST DU [Explicit]3:56 ++++1/3
ZERST?REN [Explicit]5:29 ++++1/3
HILF MIR [Explicit]4:44 ++++
TE QUIERO PUTA! [Explicit]3:56 +++3/4
FEUER UND WASSER [Explicit]5:13 +++
EIN LIED [Explicit]3:44 +++1/2
I hope it will help you to decide if you will like album or not. (there are few grammar mistakes couse I am from Slovenia! Sorry). Your opinions about review: Email me on blazcotman@hotmail.com :)
2 Comments found
Tuesday 19th of December 2006 17:16
I got into rammstein by the time they came out with "Reise, Reise", and since have gotten a extremely well-rounded aspect of their music from 1994 to now. Rosenrot compared to previous albums is almost like a last breathe, and i seriously fear that Rammstein is gonna end pretty soon. Not as if they couldn't go on, but all the members are in their late 40s, and they lost literally all their energy EXCEPT for a few songs. Their music is either 100% now, or it isn't. Anyone else think their running outa steam?
Sunday 11th of June 2006 20:44
I expected alot more out of this new album. It is very hard to find but is kind of disappointing. The songs like Mann gegen mann and Zerstoeren are amazing and all. But some of the songs are just not as good as they used to be. Rosenrot kind of gets on my nerves. I need some serious work.