Placebo (UK)

Placebo (UK) - Without you I'm nothing
Published by: Hut
Published in: 1998
Release type: Full CD
About this Album:
1:Pure Morning
2:Brick Shithouse
3:You Don't Care about us
4:Ask for answers
5:Without You I'm Noting
6:Allergic(to thoughts of mother earth)
7:The Crawl
8:Every You, every me
9:My Sweet Prince
10:Summer's gone
11:Scared of Girls
12:Burger Queen
13:(hidden track) Evil Dildo.
Placebo broke into the music scene with their exciting, flamboyant self-titled debut but secured their reputation as britain's most um...interesting band with their second album, "Without you I'm Nothing".
Not much has changed in Brian Molko's song-writing, the same dark tales of the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll diet are here. But perhaps Placebo have grown up slightly on this record. For those of whom were expecting and album of more "Nancy Boy"s and "Bruise Pristine"s , you may be taking aback. Though Placebo's maturity can be seen on such tracks as "You Don't Care about us" or "My Sweet Prince" they are still very much the sex-fuelled, androgynous monster we all know and love, they prove this on tracks like "Brick Shithouse" and "Scared of Girls".
It is now six years since "Without you.." was released but the songs have surely stood the test of time, with music stations playing "Pure Morfning" and "Every You Every me" on an almost regular basis. And as Placebo celebrate their tenth year confusing young boys and terrorizing pop charts around europe, they must have done something right. Something that keeps the fans rolling in. That "thing" in my opinion, could very well be this album. No matter how many more years Placebo stick around, no matter how many other albums they record, this will always be their masterpiece.