One Minute Silence

One Minute Silence - A Day In The Light Of guitar tab

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Band-One Minute Silence.
Song-A day in the light of.
Tabbed By-Zero. (

Well heres another one for ya. I had a bitch of a time tabbing this
one but cos Massy gets some wicked sounds out of his axe and I have
no fucking idea how the hell he does it. I just found the closest
note to the sound he makes and played that. It makes the song a bit
of a bitch to play but if you truly want to play this song then
you'll soon get the hang of it. As with the rest of the tabs I
figured by ear it ain't 100% right. I know this for a fact in this
one cos the sound system I was using to listen along was shite and I
couldn't hear the guitars properly. Still it's close enough. As per
usual Massy uses loads of effects in this song. If you have an
effects box just get the closest you can. If not...Go out and pinch
one or something. As ever if anyone has any suggestions as to how
this could be corrected or even how the fuck Massy gets those sounds
at the end then drop me an e-mail and I'll check it out. All input is
greatly appreciated. As with the rest of the stuff I figured it's in
drop d tuning. Just bray your guitar of the neighbours dog until it
sounds right. Enjoy.

The intro is actually played by the bass. I did figure this bit out on
guitar but it's a waste of time if ya just want the guitar bits. Theres
two parts two this riff. The first being the high bit and the second
being the basic intro.
E-----------------|	|-----------------|
B-----------------|	|-----------------|
G-----------------|	|-----------------|
D-5--7------------|	|-----------------|
A-----------------|	|0-0-0-0-0--------|
D-----------------|	|0-0-0-0-0--------|

This riff takes up the bulk of the song in many hybrid forms. It changes
halfway trhough so again there are two riffs to this. You will have to
listen to the CD for the change.

E-----------------|The second bit	|-----------------|
B-----------------|alternates between	|-----------------|
G-----------------|these two riffs,	|-----------------|
D---------h-------|first playing one	|---------h-------|
A--------5-3-5----|then the other	|--------5-3-3----|
D-0-0-0-0---------|			|-0-0-0-0---------|
  --p.m--                                 --p.m--
After the last time of playing the last part of this riff the note hangs
with a small stretch and then a slide into the second chorus riff.

Chorus 2.
This is the bit I couldn't quite figure it so if its wrong I apologise.

The song then goes back into the verse riff using both sets of the riff again.

After this it again goes into both chorus parts but this time round chorus
two is played with a palm muted bit. Then into the solo.

Remember that this part is played thru an fx box. There is some hammering on
and pulling off in there but I'm to lazy and hungry to figure it out so this
only the basic riff.


Now the bit that I love. Massy runs this thru an absolute wicked effect
here and it just completely finishes the tune of to a T.

E-----------------|-----------------|Repeat this riff and then drop the =0D
B-----------------|-----------------|effect so you have pure distort but
G-----------------|-----------------|using the same riff.

This is the bit with that bitch of a note. If anyone can figure out where
the fuck he plays this please let me know cos it's a bitch on trying to play
it how I have it tabbed out. You can either use the note or the harmonic on
the fifth fret last string. I think the note sounds better though.

D-0-0-0-0----5-3--|-0-0-0-0----5----|-0-0-0-0----5-3--|-0-0-0-0---------|=0D                                l.r

Then it ends with this riff........I think. As with most stuff figured
out by ear it probably definitely isn't right. After all the only person who
knows how to play this properly at the moment is Massy. Try it anyway and see
what you think.

E-----------------|Repeat this riff a bit and	|------------------|
B-----------------|then end on the following.	|------------------|
G-----------------|				|------------------|
D-----------------|				|------------------|
A-5-3-------------|				|6666666666666666-0|
D-----7-5-3-0-----|				|-----------------0|
So thats it. Piece of piss really. Like I say a lot of effects are used
on this song so that confused parts a little and also Massy is a far better
guitarist than me so don't expect this to be 100% correct. Learn it and then
play it too your mates and see what they think. As ever if anyone has any
comments or suggestions mail them to me at or I will be happy to here from anyone. Well I have
to go and look after our Outer-Mongolian Pot-Bellied pigmy exchange students
from America so It's gonna be a while before I get any more tabs done. For
any other OMS tabs or any other band for that matter get in touch with me.
If anyone else has OMS tabs could you send them too me. And Lauren. I am
working on Fish out of Water at the moment so I'll get that too ya ASAP.
Well peeps. Stay insane. Peace out, Ren.

Day In The Light Of

I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree I crashed to the ground
I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree I'm not coming down
I can't let it be - the man on the street says
I can't let it be - we're doing fine
I can't let it be - I'm doing fine
I can't let it be - I'm doing fine
I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree crashed to the ground
I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree I'm not coming down

To read and write, not to read what's right
The difference can blind for life
Up into the light, the fight continues
I continue to fight, despite all I see
The blatant apathy, or just the illusion of it
Life sure knows how to pack a punch
The Bundys - not the Brady Bunch next door
X-rated hardcore step up take the floor
Tell me what you see
Mysterious ways just doesn't do it for me

I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree I crashed to the ground
I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree I'm not coming down
I can't let it be - the man on the street says
I can't let it be - we're doing fine
I can't let it be - I'm doing fine
I can't let it be - I'm doing fine
I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree crashed to the ground
I climbed up a tree to see if I could get to you
I climbed up a tree I'm not coming down

To fight for life, not to fight for life
The wrong road can lead to Christ
A day in the life of, in spite of
Those who have turned the lights off
To write me up as a write off
Wrong move - Wrong move
To write me up as a write off - Wrong move

As good as it gets
Get used to it
Nobody's coming for you
Who's coming for me? Guess

As good as it gets
Get used to it
Nobody's coming for you
Who's coming for me? Guess
Get this song at:


Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: V2


Released in: 2000

Language: English

Appearing on: Buy Now...Saved Later (2000)

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