One Minute Silence

One Minute Silence - 1845 (w Riff Order) guitar tab

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One Minute Silence - 1845   (Drop D)

| ~  = Hold Note               |
| H  = Hammer on               |
| P  = Pull Off                |
| *  = Palm Mute               |
| /  = Slide Up To Next Note   |
| \  = Slide Down To Next Note |
| b  = Bend                    |
| br = Bend, Release           |
| tr = Tremolo                 |
| N.H= Natural Harmonics       |
| P.H= Pinched Harmonics       |
| x  = Muted "Chopping"        |
| t  = Tapping                 |


INTRO             x17  | 0:02
-----pause-------------| 0:19
verse             x15  | 0:20
INTERLUDE         x4   | 0:37
chorus            x8   | 0:45
INTERLUDE   (P.M) x4   | 1:02
verse             x15  | 1:10
INTERLUDE         X4   | 1:26
chorus            x8   | 1:35
INTERLUDE   (P.M) x4   | 1:51
INTRO             x23  | 1:59
-----pause-------------| 2:23
verse             x15  | 2:24
- - - - - END - - - - -  2:40


|----------|  |--------------------------------------|
|----------|  | Fill goes inbetween the *verse*      |
|----------|  | and the *INTERLUDE*                  |
|----------|  |                                      |
|----------|  | |--------|             |-----------| |
|-22233320-|  | |--------|             |-----------| |
              | |--------|   END TO  : |-----------| |
VERSE         | |-22-3-0-|  THE SONG : |-222333202-| |
              | |-22-3-0-|             |-222333202-| |
|----------|  | |-22-3-0-|             |-222333202-| |
|----------|  |                                      |
|----------|  |                                      |
|-22-33-20-|  |                                      |
|-22-33-20-|  |--------------------------------------|

INTERLUDE                     (P.M)

|-------|------|      / |-------|------|
|-------|------|     /  |-------|------|
|-------|------|    /   |-------|------|
|-22-02-|------|   /    |-22-02-|-XXXX-|
|-22-02-|------|  /     |-22-02-|-XXXX-|
|-22-02-|------| /      |-22-02-|-XXXX-|



This is a basic tab really, theres no rhythm but i guess
youre clever enough to work it out for yourself (its
easy if u know the song!!).

- Any questions, comments, abuse... email me at
Ratings would be much appreciated as i wanna know how good/bad a job I did
and it will make the hours I put into this worth it. lol.
Add me on msn if u dont wanna send an email!
Get this song at:


Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: ?


Language: English

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