
Nirvana - In Utero
Published by: Geffen
Published in: 1993
Release type: Full CD
About this Album:
In 1993 grunge fans got what they have been waiting for, the next Nirvana album, however it was in a completely different package than Nevermind. Where Nevermind was much more radio friendly pop grunge, In Utero was a much darker, less happy, painful album. Kurt's suicidal side really sticks out in almost all of the tracks. The first two tracks are probably what really threw fans off with much darker sounds, and breaking out into almost white noise rock. Even the first single on the album is much darker than previous hits such as "Come As You Are" and "Lithium". Another aspect to the album's dark side is the lyrics not only the way they are written and the stories they tell but the way Kurt sings them, the most shining example is "Rape Me" which is about a man raping a woman then he gets sent to prison and gets raped. You can hear Kurt's inner pain on the track as he screams the last 30 sec. of the song which is a major highlight of the album. The more you progress through the album the more it sounds like a sheer mental breakdown. "Dumb" is a self degrading track that almost mimics the life of a dissatified rock star. "Milk It" is a track that most are skeptical about on the album, it's actually one of my personal favorites because of Kurt's painful screams and the overall mood of the track, it's almost theatrical. "Penroyal Tea" is a depressing track that sounds like a life going downhill and the effects a tough desicion can have on a persons mentality, once again it's another shining moment on the album. "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" is almost mocking Smells Like Teen Spirit, and giving a middle finger to their record label who wanted more tracks like that.
The album ends with what sounds like a suicide note turned into a ballad "All Apologies" which is actually beautiful considering if you listen to it now days. This is by far the most memorable album I own, I haven't seen any other album catch feelings and inner pain as much as this one, that's why I give it five stars, because I gurantee if you're a new listener it will sound like nothing you've heard in your entire life.
5 Comments found
Wednesday 15th of March 2006 15:25
"kurt was a musical genius" that what its called? I thought it was called playing basic power chords and singing without talent.
Wednesday 15th of March 2006 10:14
It's the finest grunge sound ever in grunge world, many geeks got influenced by nirvana n tried to get over them but it's not something like u can do it becoz u want to, u cannot oversadow something like grunge without overcomming through grunge barriers in ur life, like Kurt n his nirvana. Kurt isn't 'the blame' for all these mess in mordern rock n roll, its these shit-head freaks who thinks they can do some thing revolutionary by commercializing those rear sounds into these techno n party shits but to do something extraordinary like nevermind n in utero there should be something like sweetness, raw, melody, rage, anger, suffering, revenge n many things that can be accepted by rock n roll like black n white not black n blue.....
Saturday 11th of March 2006 10:14
dude i loved the 80s just as much as you do. but come on. any decent rocker would kno that kurt and nirvana was the voice of a generation. just because he didnt play 80s style doesnt mean that they suck. kurt was a musical genius. kid its time to grow up
Tuesday 7th of March 2006 19:29
nirvana sucks..they ended the amazing hard rock/metal era of the 80's and brought in this new age, whiny, crappy guitar playing, and just overall sucky sound that ruined all that was good in music.
Sunday 5th of March 2006 21:52
This is a very good and very sad album. The music is phenomanal, but its sad because its all music leading up to kurt cobains suicide. I love kurt's guitar playing u can hear ever pick he plucks with his guitar. Kurts voice is also very great. It's so spooky its loud but u can detect sadness in his voice. Dave grohls drumming is again great and Krist Noveselics bass lines are as always some of the greatest bass lines.