Name Taken
Name Taken - Magnolia bass tab
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This song was a tricky one, I don't know about you, but I can't really hear the bass until the verse,but I did my best,so give me at least some credit. I finaly found the time to tab their new songs,I don't know how correct they are but seriously , play with the CD it will help a lot. ROCK ON! -Figured out and submitted by Dejackamo Von Rictor from Barstow CA >-certain count ~-let note ring (use octaves on this song if you want)DROP D!!! intro (roll the string on these notes) G------------------------------------- x2 D------------------------------------- A------------------------------------- D-000-000--000-000--888-888--888-888~- (I guess this is what he's doing, honest to God I can't really hear the bass G-------------------------------------------------- x2 all that great) D-------------------------------------------------- A---------888---------888---------888---------888-- D-000-000-----000-000-----888-888-----888-888------ (let this ring for a second) G---------- D---------- A---------- D--0~~~~~-- this is the little ROCK-OUT part G-------------------------------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------------------------------- D-000-000-0-0-000--888-888-8-8-888--777-777-7-7-777--888-888-8-8-888- this is the verse , same as the ROCK-OUT part but like slower G----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-000~-000~-0-0-000~-888~-888~-8-8-888~-777~-777~-7-7-777~-888~-888~-8-8-888~- Chorus G------------------- G----------------- D------------------- D----------------- A------------------- or A-----1>--5>--3>-- D-0>--8>--12>--10>-- D-0>-------------- the bridge, just use these notes , the counts very alot G-------|-------|- (hell throw some A-8- in there,I think Chad does) D-------|-------|- A-------|-------|- D---0---|---8---|- end on this note G-------- D-------- A-------- D--0~~~-- "Now that I have accomplished this task,my new one starts,to bang Lizzie McGuire"