Name Taken
Name Taken - I Quit My Scene bass tab
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Here is another one, it's pretty easy to play on bass so just pay attention to the song,Name Taken has a lot of good songs but i think this is one of their best. -Figured out and submitted by Dejackamo Von Rictor from Barstow CA !-hit note hard and fast ~-let note ring >-certain count intro/verse thing G---------------------------- D-----------5~-5~-5---------- A-3!-3!-3~----------555-5~--- E---------------------------- you play this most of the verse G------------------------------------|-----(hit this right before D-----------------5~-5~-5------------|----- Chad says "is this what were A--3~-3~-33~-3~-3---------5-5-5~-5~--|--3!- fighting for?") E------------------------------------|----- choruses(you'll know where to play everything if you listen to the song) G----------|---------|---------|-------- D----5>----|---------|---5>----|-------- A-3>----5>-|-3!-3!-3-|------5>-|--3~---- E----------|---------|---------|-------- bridge(just listen to the song becuase the counts very) G----------- D-----5>---- A--3>----5>- E----------- "Cause it's what you want, and who you are" G--------- D--------- A--5>--3>- E--------- "Lizzie McGuir's movie is out May 2nd! HELLZ YEEAH! she is soooooo hott"