Memphis Jug Band

Memphis Jug Band - Cave man blues lyrics

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Charlie Nickerson: Say, Son, give me my overhaul jumper there; give me my overhauls, too
Will Shade: Whatchya gonna do with 'em, boy?
CN: Boy, I'm going down in the coal mine
WS: Coal mine, whatchya gonna do down there?
CN: I'm gonna do like the rest of the cave men
WS: Rest of the cave men?
CN: Yeah; give me my pick and shovel, too
WS: Whatchya gonna do with it?
CN: I've got to dig when I gets in the mine!
WS: Got to dig when you get in the mine?
CN: Yeah; and give me my lantern
WS: Lantern? Right behind the door
CN: Now I'm gonna tell you what the cave men do
WS: Let's hear about it

Mister cave man, doggone your caving soul
Mister cave man, doggone your caving soul
You better quit your bad habits, digging in every dark hole

You cave so much, 'til you can't keep it hid
You cave so much, 'til you can't keep it hid
You going to get in the wrong cave, like Floyd Collins did

You won't go to the barber, you won't even shave
You won't go to the barber, you won't even shave
You know a clean-face man don't go in no cave

I'm going in a cave at the sounding of the drums
I'm going in a cave at the sounding of the drums
And I'll dig and dig 'til my good gal comes

That's them cave man blues!
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Author: Charles Pope, Will Shade

Composer: Charles Pope (2), Will Shade

Publisher: Document Records (2)


Released in: 1971

Language: English

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