Manic Hispanic

Manic Hispanic - Medley lyrics

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Bloodstains/Amoeba/Wild In The Streets/Pushin To Hard

Things can't get much worse for me

sometimes I'd rather die

there's a fire in my *culo

and a teardrop in my eye

it was a *caliente, chile verde

if not, then it did seem

but today, I had a firey ring 

that made me wanna scream

caca stains, things kill

fast Chevys, cheap thrills

rich putas, fine wine

I'v lost my sense, I've lost control

of my *cabeza

*Amigos 4x

We are little *vatos in our paths

looking through the *pinche hole

us little brown guys, we never lie

uhuh, that fills soul (?)

You never seen anything like us before

us vatos got a mind of our own

Adults look around this pinche whitey world

vatos all around the hole

*Loco in the streets

*Carito, carito (?) 4x

You got a '63 Impala, a hand full of *mota

a couple of *cervezas really do me right

you better believe us, better trust us

teenage drunk, pinche wreck

Loco in the streets

Carito, carito (?) 4x

*Hola Miss Santana, 

how's your favorite *mijo now?

Do you know just what he's done?

You're pushing too hard, you're pushing on me

You're pushing too hard, where you wanna be?

cause you're pushing too hard,

pushing too hard on me

I don't care what you say

And I don't care what you do

I got no *feria, nothing to say,

I got no feria, you might as well


Ahh, ahh Tragety, Tragety (?) 4x


Culo (slang/vulgar) anus 

Caliente, chile verde (phrase) hot green chili

Cabeza head

Amigos friends

Vato (slang) a male

Pinche (vulgar) there is no direct translation, but

is used as the adjective "fucking" "...looking 

through the *fucking hole" 

Loco crazy, insane, outrageous

Carito If they are singing what I think they are, it's a little car

Mota (slang) Marijuana

Cerveza beer

Hola hello

Mijo my son (not used properly)

Feria (slang) money

Vamonos let's go (not used properly)

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Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: ?


Language: English

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