Living Sacrifice
Living Sacrifice - Not Beneath lyrics
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To privide Christ the entrance Forsaking the empty way of life Sure of the spirits fulfillment And absence of strife God's child of the incorruptible seed, In which the word abides Firmly rooted, established in faith, Overflowing praise arises Existing in Christ's presence Reaching the depths of compassion Center of self, Overtaken discipline, Motivated ambitions Confidence in His powerd, wisdom, And goodness within reach More than a conqueror, established To the end, above not beneath Reconciled by God ministry Of reconciliation Redeemed from the oppressor, Escape the corruption Confidence in His power, wisdom, And goodness within reach More than a conqueror, Established to the end, above not beneath Participating in the divine nature Continuing to grow In wisdom and stature Confidence in His power, Wisdom, and goodness Within reach more than a conqueror Established to the end, above not beneath