
Falkenbach - ...where Blood Will Soon Be Shed lyrics

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"...from the darkness, risen our of blackness,

a flame once, burning like red blood

was seen by those who waited for the battle,

to lead them to where blood will soon be shed..."

The oars were shoved into the water,

the wind blew strong and filled the sails

of dragonships set out for a vikingish foray...

The runes were scratched into the swordblades,

wielded by heathen of the north

to the glory of Valfreya, Asynja, Vanadis!!!

As darkness fell and all was silent

the air was filled with smell of death

and fires burned as a sign of asatruian pride!!!

"...The seashore burned like fire

and blood ran down the sands...

Another day of victory in unknown foreign lands...

...Guided we are by Allfather's might..." 
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Language: English

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