Evil Scarecrow
Evil Scarecrow - Isaac Bc lyrics
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Isaac BC religion of Amn, dislocated, a retarded farm unholy practice, a roswell old barn Metallic hieroglyphics are drawn an unholy glow in the scarer of crows maggots and worms praise this lord Macabre Totems speaking in tongues the church bell beckons the doer of wrongs emperial powers of which he belongs the congregations gathers "Behold! our new lord is born, as was foretold. kneel before his guarding of corn" "Is this what is meant to be? A recipe for my disease?" "WORRY NOT ISAAC BC, I CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU ALL" "Lo! my flock, we're gathered today to celebrate the god made of hay weak in his gaze unfaithful will pay" "I've had our instructions passed unto me in visions and dreams, the future i see take heed of mine words, thus spake unto thee" the puritanical horde listened on engrossed and enraptured, assembled throng absorbing new truths from the preachers black tongue ISAAC I APPLAUD YOUR EFFORTS THUS FAR WELL DONE TO THEE MORTAL, YOUR REALLY A STAR TO DELIVER COMMANDMENTS, HERE THEY ARE "Is this what is meant to be? A recipe for my disease?" "WORRY NOT ISAAC BC, I CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU ALL" 1. KILL ALL YOU DON'T KNOW 2. KILL ALL THAT YOU KNOW 3. BUILD THINE OWN SCARECROW 4. PITCHFORK THINE CHEST AND DIE Lend him your plastic faith... ISAAC BC Isaac BC began his duty... murderous A hitchhikers life he took... murderous hands clasped around her throat... murderous snapped her neck and raped her corpse... murderous Isaac took his families life... murderous mutilated body parts... murderous sewn together with human hair... murderous evil scarecrow effigy born... murderous