Chaotic Alliance
Chaotic Alliance - 1984 lyrics
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Past is altered by the future, how can the past ever be true? If the present day people make false facts they can blind you The truth is now a lie and all history is erased Double think, thought crimes, all made to keep you in your place 1984 - You are a slave day in, day out 1984 - Just a time slot nine to five is what it's all about 1984 - Hard-line, war crimes, what you know 1984 - Take away all the facts, then we can't fucking grow In my room the cameras sit on every side of me Silently I sit and watch the death of privacy The Proles live freely because they don't pose threat To become a Party member's something you'll regret 1984 - We all stay distracted stapled to our telescreens 1984 - Keeping us convinced we're not just another machine 1984 - Hard-line, war crimes, what you know 1984 - Take away all the facts, then we can't fucking grow Everyone sit down for Two Minute Hate is here And watch the enemy Goldstein march his troops in fear But after that Big Brother is there to save the day To make you believe in what he's about to say 1984 - Everyone speaks in code or what they call Newspeak 1984 - While slowly they erase another word each week 1984 - Hard line, war crimes, what you know 1984 - Take away all the facts you can't fucking grow 1984 - Death of a man, is creation of another 1984 - I geuss that is life under Big Brother 1984 - If there is hope it lies in the Proles 1984 - But without change man will decompose "War is peace!" "Freedom is slavery!" "Ignorance is strength!" "Big brother's watching you!"