Song review: Cesar Quinn - Smoke

Cesar Quinn's latest single "SMOKE," featuring Youniss, marks a significant shift in their musical direction. The band, known for its blend of indie, psychedelic post-punk, and modern jazz, has embraced alternative hip-hop influences in this track¹². The production, handled by Frederik Daelemans with co-production by Youniss, moves away from the band's previous psychedelic and jazz elements, drawing inspiration from artists like Armand Hammer and Black Midi¹.

"SMOKE" has been described as a departure from the spiritual energies of their debut album "Opal," opting for a more venomous stance than their usual style². The collaboration with Youniss adds an experimental edge to the song, with a mix of sharp guitars, a robust bassline, and various electronic sounds creating a surprising and intriguing soundscape². The track has been well-received for its flawless execution and the convincing delivery of its 'spitting bars,' showcasing a rebellious side of the band².

The band's evolution into a new musical territory with "SMOKE" has piqued the interest of listeners, making them eager to follow Cesar Quinn's journey and see where this new direction leads². If you're interested in experiencing their live performance, Cesar Quinn has several upcoming shows, including appearances at Gent Jazz and other venues¹.


(1) CESAR QUINN – Smoke ft. Youniss – Luminous Dash BE.

(2) Nieuwe single Cesar Quinn - "SMOKE" (feat. Youniss).

(3) Achtergrond - Cesar Quinn - SMOKE | daMusic.