Song review: That Woman - Hymn For A Woman

"That Woman - Hymn For A Woman" is a debut single that has been making waves recently. The song is described as an ode to women, featuring **musically fragile** elements with **piano and strings** taking the lead, growing in intensity with each verse. The lyrics convey a **powerful feminist message**, addressing the challenges women face, such as societal beauty standards and street harassment, while also highlighting the **solidarity and strength** among women.

The artist behind That Woman is **Josephine Vander West**, formerly part of the duo **Oh Wonder**. After a name change due to pressure from another band with a similar name, she embarked on her solo project with this single. The song's lyrics are praised for their **poetic quality** and **unforced rhyme**, serving as a reminder of women's wonder.

Overall, while the musical composition might not be groundbreaking, the **message it carries** is considered **compelling and thought-provoking**. It's a track that resonates with many, celebrating the essence and spirit of womanhood.