Song review: Font - Hey Kekulé

The single "Hey Kekulé" by the band Font has received positive reviews. It's described as a significant departure from their previous work, showcasing a unique sound that blends nervous synth sounds with impactful piano strikes, leading to a highly danceable track. The song starts with a tense atmosphere that eventually breaks into a chaotic bridge, only to return to its catchy and rhythmic chorus.

The lyrics of "Hey Kekulé" reference the German chemistry professor August Kekulé, known for his work on the structure of benzene. However, the band's frontman, Thom Waddill, suggests that the song isn't meant to be a direct commentary on Kekulé's work but rather uses the reference because it sounded good in the composition.

Critics have highlighted the song's elaborate construction and the energetic performance of the band, likening Thom Waddill's vocal style to a young David Byrne. The track is part of Font's upcoming debut album "Strange Burden," set to release on July 12, and has been called "fantastic in all possible ways" by reviewers.

Font is also scheduled for several performances, opening for Yard Act, which will likely increase their exposure and popularity.